  • 期刊

Learning to Live with Water: A Systematic Review of Sustainable Techniques in Urban Water Resources Management



水資源是構成多元化建成環境與多樣化生態系統的基礎元素。然而,都市化大規模改變都市水環境,使得水患風險升高,地下含水層下降,水質惡化,以及水域空間環境價值降低。有鑒於永續環境管理的思考,國際間持續在發展與推動對環境友善之水資源管理方式,例如歐洲地區之永續排水系統 Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS),其目的在於減緩上述水環境變遷的問題。因此,本文旨在系統性探討都市擴張對於水環境影響的程度,並分析SuDS的發展優點與限制因素,重要結論如下:(1)土地透水性相當大程度影響都市區域的水文特性,(2)多功能水域空間能有效促進城市多樣化的發展,(3)SuDS具備多功能環境效益,對生物棲地、水質、休閒價值與水患防治有所助益,(4)SuDS之可行性相當大程度取決於空間大小,例如台灣的都市空間條件。本文期能喚起更多對於都市水環境多功能發展的關注,並促進台灣都市水資源永續管理的發展。


Water resources are fundamental to the wide variety of the built environment and the rich diversity of ecosystems. Nevertheless, urbanization has extensively changed the water environment in urban areas, where flood risk is rising, groundwater aquifers are declining, water quality is reducing, and the amenity values of water places are degrading. In the light of the drive towards sustainable environmental management, environmentally-friendly approaches to manage water resources have been developed and promoted internationally, such as the techniques of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in Europe, which aim to mitigate the above problems. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to systematically examine the extent to which urban expansion has impacted on water environment, and to analyze the development strengths and limitations of SuDS. Several key points have emerged by the systematic review: (1) the water permeability of land surfaces greatly impacts the hydrological features of urban areas, (2) city development is effectively diversified by multi-functional water places, (3) SuDS, with the idea of multi-functionality, are beneficial to wildlife habitats, water quality, amenity values and flood prevention, and (4) the applicability of SuDS is largely dependent on the availability of space, such as the conditions of urban Taiwan. It is hoped that this paper will raise awareness that urban waters should serve multiple environmental and social purposes and thus help facilitate the sustainable management of urban water resources in Taiwan.


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