  • 期刊


The Research of Prof. Hsien-Liang Koo's Enlightenment of Modern Art in Taiwan




This article is based on Professor Hsien-Liang Koo (1914-1979). Professor Ku was born in Shanghai. He went to the United States to study and lecture in 1947. He came to Taiwan in 1959 and passed away. Professor Koo upheld the belief that "youth is my mentor and art is my religion", introduced "modernity" to the domestic art world, and created a new creative thinking for many young artists; and opened the national art tour of colleges and universities. The precedent of the lecture has had a great impact on the spread and development of Taiwan's aesthetic education. In this study, Professor Hsien-Liang Koo's manuscript materials (book letters, manuscripts, rosters, notes, diaries, lecture notes, official documents, etc.) are used as research core materials to refer to relevant historical materials and other review articles, and supplemented by historical materials to interview relevant data, cross-analysis and inspection. The study found that Professor Koo's personal background and academic development process are very rare and incomplete in the country. Therefore, this study will be studied in the form of a biography. For the first time, it was published in the form of a paper in China, in order to present Professor Koo's more complete personal life data, so that Professor important contribution and value in promoting Taiwan's modern art and aesthetic education can be fully presented in the Chinese world, so that Professor Koo The comprehensive learning and experience of a lifetime has been fully documented as a basic reference for Hsien-Liang Koo's future research.


台灣流行音樂維基館(2015),〈讓台灣的音樂被聽見〉,網址:www.tpmw.org.tw/index.php/金韻獎 (上網日期:January 25, 2018)
何智雄(1978 年11 月24 號),〈臨別感言〉,清華雙週刊,第3 版,第173 期。
吳芳滿(1976),〈人與屋專輯:畫廊之家—訪顧獻樑〉,摩登家庭,第3 卷,第24 期,頁26-28。
