  • 期刊


Some Observations on Alibaba IPO




Alibaba IPO received a great deal of attention in the IPO market in 2014. Not only is it the biggest IPO by market value of all time, signifi cant issues are raised in connection with its IPO structure and corporate governance design. This article analyzes Alibaba's VIE structure, partnership as well as the fee shifting provision in its articles of association in their relevant contexts. Those mechanisms involves the strategic choice and selection of PRC law, Hong Kong law, US federal securities regulation as well as Delaware law, demonstrating the phenomenon of regulatory arbitrage. Besides, VIE structure exemplifies the interchangeability between contract and organization, showing how the mechanism of contact can be applied for purpose of reallocating traditional shareholder rights among corporate stake holders. The unique Alibaba partnership not only stirs the old issues about the one share one vote principle, leading to the reconsideration of the justification of such principle, but also shows the interesting relationship between "voice" and "exit." The fee shifting provision adopted by Alibaba is another issue under heavy debate in the US legal community. Although fee shifting provision may not be as important in Taiwan as it is in the US, the appearance of fee shifting bylaw inspires the author to explore the possible source of authority of the board of a Taiwan Company to unilaterally adopt bylaws. Those are interest issues and worth further exploration.


Holland, Randy J.、陳春山譯(2011)。美國公司法:德拉瓦州公司法經典案例選輯。臺北:新學林。
中國商務部(2015),《商務部公告2012年第49號關於附加限制性條件批准沃爾瑪公司收購紐海控股33.6%股權審查決定的公告》,http://w ww.mofcom.gov.cn/article/b/fwzl/201208/20120808284418.shtml(最後瀏覽日:2015/5/8)。
