  • 期刊


A Study on the Appropriateness of Compulsory Breathalyzer Test of Drunk Driving in Criminal Procedure




In light of the enactment of Article 185-3 drunk driving offense of Criminal Code of the Republic of China in 1999, Code of Criminal Procedure Article 205-2 was subsequently adopted in 2003 to further compliment the previous legislation in evidence procurement. However, the application of Article 205-2 is far from settled. In fact, it raise questions as to whether it runs afoul of the fundamental principles of criminal law and its constitutionality. First, drivers are often pulled over by the police and forced to submit to Breathalyzer tests even without signs of physical impairment. Such act of police power in no way complies with the foregoing Articles and nor does it show due regard for the principle of proportionality, which were set to protect the people from undue law enforcement. In addition, compulsory measures under Article 205-2 are stipulated in terms of procuring evidence, and are therefore not regulated by provisions concerning search and seizure. The most alarming of all is that Article 205-2 virtually violates the privilege against self-incrimination. This paper takes the view that both active and passive acts of a defendant are ensured by the privilege against self-incrimination. Under such presumption, Article 205-2, which warrants compulsory Breathalyzer tests, is therefore illegitimate. Nonetheless, neither to abolish this article nor to recognize the defendant's right to refuse the test is the possible solution to minimize the effect of its violation. The author suggests, to interpret Article 205-2 constitutionally, compulsory Breathalyzer test should be viewed in two parts. Firstly, forcing the placement of the Breathalyzer into the defendant's mouth is warranted. Secondly, the defendant has full discretion whether to exhale into the Breathalyzer and complete the test or not. In this regard, it would conform to the privilege of self-incrimination or at least lessen the problems arising from compulsory measures.


