  • 期刊


Exception of CEDAW and Gender Equity Act


為落實性別平等及保障婦女權利,立法院於2011 年5 月20 日通過「消除對婦女一切形式歧視式公約施行法」,性別工作平等法第11條雖對於直接歧視亦有禁止規定,但對於間接歧視及限制例外事項並未規範,本文介紹日本男女雇用機會均等法相關規定,提供修法參考。另一方面,提出我國及歐盟男女平等法制之法院實務見解,針對何種例外情形允許差別對待,例如國家安全或工作特性等,期能參考相關案例探討性別實質平等之內在界線。


In order to implement gender equality and protect women’s rights, the “Enforcement Act of Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women” has been approved by the Legislative Yuan since 20th May, 2011. However, although direct discrimination is prohibited in the Article 11 of the Act of Gender Equality in Employment, indirect discrimination and prohibition for exception are not legally provided. Therefore, this study introduced the Equal Employment Opportunity Law related to Gender Equality in Japan, which can be a reference for revising laws. In addition, court opinions of Gender Equality Act in our country and European Union were provided regarding the exception of which discrimination is allowed, such as national security or work characteristics etc. It is expected to discuss the inner boundary line of gender substantive equality on the basis of relevant cases.


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Askin, Keely D.、Cerna, Christina M.、黃列譯、朱曉青譯(2007)。婦女與國際人權法(第一卷)︰婦女的人權問題概述。北京:生活‧ 讀書‧ 新知三聯。
外交部(2014),《中華民國推動「消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約」(CEDAW) 之重要成果》,http://www.mofa.gov.tw/Upload/RelFile/599/145641/2e1cbbb1-1906-4a11-8297-8cbb377b3b23.pdf(最後瀏覽日:2015/12/11)。
