  • 期刊


The Legal Effect of Unit Owner Assembly's Resolution to Successor




The binding effect of unit owner assembly resolutions to general successor is undoubtedly effective because they succeed all of the rights and obligation from the original unit owner. There is a problem that whether a specific successor is regulated by the unit owner assembly. Academic adopted affirmative opinion with different reasons, some believed that decisions made by the unit owners have the nature of real property right, while others deemed it valid to specific successors due to jurisprudence of community law. However, the unit owners' decision is barely to be considered as a kind of real property right under numerus clauses. It is doubted that jurisprudence of community law is strong enough to allow the validity of the unit owners assembly resolution to extend. The article recommended that the legal effect to successor may dealt with the balance between "stability of law" and "transaction security". Stability of law means that the relationship in unit ownership tends to be consistent. Transaction security relatively takes the specific successors' foresight of the rights and obligation from the unit owner assembly to consider. Therefore, whether specific successor can foresee the existence of unit owner assembly is the key of the extension of the effect of unit owner assembly. Resolution. furthermore, the foreseeability has to be adjusted by the extent of public notice and the difficulty of inquiry. Only this way can the extension of the effect of unit owner assembly be legitimized and look after both sides' interest of unit ownership and the successor.


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