  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of Taking Care of a Brain Hemorrhage Patient with Early Intervention




腦出血 加護病房 早期介入


This article described the experience of taking care of a brain hemorrhage patient with early intervention. The patient is a middle-age female and brings up her grandson alone. It induced the author to help the client by early intervention when the patient recovered from her consciousness, showing emotions of fear, helplessness and weep after detected hemiplegia. The patient's information was collected from Jun. 20th to Jul. 4th 2008 from the author's direct care, observations, interviews and laboratory data. Four major nursing problems: ineffective airway clearance, potential infection, impaired physical mobility, and body image disturbance were evolved from Gordon 11-item of functional health assessment when patient was in the intensive care unit. Clinical team helped the patient with the appropriate nursing process and multidisciplinary collaboration to regain health, reduce psychological disturbance, and reestablish the function of affected limb through early medical and nursing intervention. This nursing experience demonstrated a good example of early intervention in the nursing care of brain hemorrhage patients.
