  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Care for a Polymyositis Patient




This article explored nursing experience with a 51-year-old female suffering from polymyositis, physical dysfunction and psychological impact when the disease recurred. During the nursing period from 1st to 8th of August in 2015, through physical examination, observation and Gordon's functional health assessment tool, the patient’s problems included potentially activity intolerance, impaired swallowing and anxiety. The author encouraged the patient to express and gave support and help for the patient and her families to understand treatment and rehabilitation exercises. They accompanied the patient to practice isometric exercise, joints passive exercise, and gradual exercise out of bed to the toilet. They also discussed the adjustment of daily life, related knowledge and self-care skills. Before discharge, the patient understood that the purposes of long-term use of steroids and immunosuppressive medication were to prevent recurrence. The patient indicated the effects, side effects and important notes of the medication, and understood the importance of continuous muscle contraction exercise, joint movement and the signs of recurrence. This experience provides a reference for nurses who are in charge of the care for similar patients in the future.


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