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Study on the E-Cigarettes Use Intention and Related Influencing Factors Among Smoking Cessation Outpatients


背景:電子煙使用人數逐年增加,主要因為吸菸者對電子煙的認識和看法受到電子煙商行銷廣告所誤導,了解吸菸者電子煙使用意圖和影響因素是迫切需要的。目的:本研究旨在探討戒菸門診個案電子煙使用意圖及相關影響因素。方法:採橫斷式研究設計,立意取樣臺灣北部某醫學中心戒菸門診個案為研究對象,以自擬結構式問卷收集資料,有效問卷110份、有效回收率88%。結果:1.戒菸門診個案電子煙知識平均7.27分(滿分15分)、對電子煙看法36.99分(滿分50分)、電子煙使用意圖1.12分(滿分6分)。2.戒菸門診個案教育程度與電子煙知識有顯著差異(F = 4.29, p < .05),戒菸門診個案性別、年齡、是否使用過電子煙分別與對電子煙看法有顯著差異(t = 6.49, p < .001;F = 4.92,p < .001;t = 17.66, p < .001),戒菸門診個案年齡、經濟狀況、菸齡、是否使用過電子煙分別與電子煙使用意圖有顯著差異(F = 3.77, p < .05;F = 3.11, p < .05;F = 3.21, p < .05;t = 65.82, p < .001)。3.電子煙使用意圖之預測因子為是否使用過電子煙(t = -5.15 , p < .001)和對電子煙的看法(t = -4.58, p < .001),其解釋力達55.6%。結論與建議:戒菸門診個案的電子煙使用意圖與是否使用過電子煙、對電子煙看法有關,醫療單位應設計符合戒菸門診個案的戒菸衛教內容,加強宣導電子煙危害,提供正確的電子煙資訊,有效降低電子煙使用意圖和行為。


戒菸門診 電子煙 知識 看法 使用意圖


Background: The number of e-cigarette users is increasing year by year. The main reason is that the users' knowledge and views on e-cigarettes are misled by e-cigarette merchants' marketing advertisements. It is urgent to understand smokers' e-cigarette use intentions and influencing factors. Purpose: This study aims to explore the intention of e-cigarette being used and related influencing factors in outpatient smoking cessation clinics. Methods: A cross-sectional study design was adopted with the intention to sample cases from a smoking cessation clinic in a medical center in northern Taiwan as the research object. The self-developed structured questionnaire was used to collect data. There were 110 valid questionnaires and an effective recovery rate was 88%. Results: 1. The average e-cigarette knowledge of outpatient smoking cessation clinics is 7.27 points (full score of 15), 36.99 points (full score of 50) for opinions on e-cigarettes, and 1.12 points (full score of 6) for e-cigarette use intentions. 2. There are significant differences between the education level of smoking cessation clinic cases and e-cigarette knowledge (F = 4.29, p < .05). The gender, age, and whether or not e-cigarettes have been used in smoking cessation clinics are significantly different from their views on e-cigarettes (t = 6.49, p < .001; F = 4.92, p < .001; t = 17.66, p < .001). There are significant differences among the age, economic status, smoking age, and whether or not to use e-cigarettes in outpatient smoking cessation clinics and their intention to use e-cigarettes (F = 3.77, p < .05; F = 3.11, p < .05; F = 3.21, p < .05; t = 65.82, p < .001). 3. The predictors of e-cigarette use intention are whether they have used e-cigarettes (t = -5.15, p < .001) and their opinions on e-cigarettes (t = -4.58, p < .001), with an explanatory power of 55.6%. Conclusion and recommendations: The intention to use e-cigarettes in smoking cessation clinics is related to whether they have used e-cigarettes and their opinions on e-cigarettes. Medical units should design smoking cessation health education content that meets smoking cessation clinics, strengthen the publicity of the hazards of electronic cigarettes, and provide correct electronics cigarette information effectively reducing the intention and behavior of e-cigarette use.


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