  • 學位論文


The effect of a misleading information intervention on e-cigarette attitudes: A randomized control trial among smokers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 葉明叡


鑑於近年網際網路發達且資訊傳播快速,其中也包含誤導資訊之流傳,尤其與健康相關的誤導資訊議題更為重要,其可能對人體產生長期危害。本研究之目的為了解誤導資訊是否會影響吸菸族群對於電子煙之態度。本研究為一隨機分派實驗研究,以網路問卷招募吸菸族群作為參與者,以2015年英國公共衛生局(Public Health England)發布之研究報告中所述「電子煙比香菸安全95%」資訊作為實驗組誤導資訊介入(Public Health England, 2015a),以網頁的形式呈現內容;對照組則閱讀與電子煙無關之資訊,檢測誤導資訊是否會影響台灣吸菸族群對於電子煙之態度,並估計其影響程度。實驗進行期間為2022年2月23日至3月15日,研究參與者共233人,最後有效問卷為217份,實驗組105人,對照組112人。本研究結果發現實驗組於誤導資訊介入後,對於電子煙之態度更正向;吸菸族群對於電子煙的態度與是否使用電子煙、教育程度、自覺經濟狀況、自覺健康狀態等因素有關。本研究建議電子煙政策應積極宣導電子煙正確資訊,以降低未來民眾因誤導資訊而造成之負面健康結果。


The pace of information dissemination increases rapidly along with the burst of information technology and the prevalent use of the Internet. The dissemination of health-related misleading information is worth particular attention as it could harm people’s health. The purpose of this research is to examine whether receiving misleading information will affect smokers’ attitudes towards e-cigarettes. This research is a randomized control trial, recruiting Taiwanese adults smokers through online questionnaires and randomly the participants to the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group received misleading information in the form of a webpage, using the 2015 Public Health England Report as the material(Public Health England, 2015a), stating that e-cigarettes are less harmful than tobacco. The control group received an intervention which was totally unrelated to e-cigarettes. The experiment was conducted from February 23, 2022, to March 15, 2022. The effective sample size is 217, with 105 in the experimental group and 112 in the control group. The results of this research found that the experimental group had a more positive attitude toward e-cigarettes after the intervention of the misleading information. The research also found that the use of e-cigarettes, education level, perceived economic status, and perceived health status are associated with the attitude of smokers towards e-cigarettes. The research suggests that public health policy should promote the circulation of correct information on e-cigarettes actively to reduce the negative health outcomes due to misleading information in the future.


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