  • 期刊


Effects of a Developmental Dance-Based Exercise Program on the Motor Proficiency of Children with Developmental Disabilities: A Feasibility Study


目的:本可行性研究(feasibility study)描述針對發展障礙兒童設計一個以發展性舞蹈運動訓練的發展及應用和初探此訓練對於動作精練程度的可能影響。方法:6名4到9歲具有獨立行走能力的不同發展障礙類型的兒童及其家長參與此無控制組之個案前後比較的研究。成效評估包括在發展性舞蹈運動訓練前後進行布魯茵克斯-歐西瑞斯基動作精練度評量(Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficieney, BOTMP)及在兒童完成訓練後讓家長填答一份以李克特氏(Likert)七點量尺評量的自製家長問卷來反應家長對於這類訓練的意見。介入方式是讓兒童到醫院接受物理治療師所執行的團體發展性舞蹈運動訓練指導,之後在家中練習10週。結果:4名兒童之BOTMP整體總分顯示進步。問卷結果顯示,全體家長對於團體舞蹈訓練在幫助改善兒童整體動作功能的滿意度都高於四分。結論:根據本初步報告結果建議物理治療專業人員所參與設計以舞蹈為基礎的團體運動訓練並輔以居家訓練光碟對於部份有行走能力的發展障礙兒童是可行的,且在動作領域上有可量化的進步。此初步研究結果將做為未來研究的基礎。


發展障礙 舞蹈 兒童


Purposes: This feasibility study described the development and application of a developmental dance-based exercise (DDBE) program for children with developmental disabilities (DD), and explored the possible effects of this DDBE program. Methods: Six children with various DD, aged 4 to 9 years, participated in this before and after case series without control group design study. The outcome measures included the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP) before and after the training and one self-developed questionnaire using the 7-point Likert scale responses for scoring to reflect the parents' perspectives about the DDBE training upon the completion of the training. The children received the DDBE instruction and practice training under physical therapists in the hospital, and then practiced the DDBE at home for 10 weeks. Results: Four children showed improvement in the BOTMP scores after the DDBE training. In addition, the parents responded positively to the training, and no injuries were reported. Conclusion: The results suggest that some children with DD not only can participate in the DDBE training with the program design and implementation by physical therapy personnel in this feasibility study, but also show quantitative improvements after training. Future studies should examine whether a DDBE could improve motor functions in children with DD.


Developmental disabilities Dance Children
