  • 期刊

Short-Term Effects of Cervical Kinesio Taping on Pain and Cervical Range of motion in Patients with Acute Neck Pain: a Randomized Clinical Trial



背景與目的:頸部疼痛可造成功能受限、失能以及耗費醫療成本的問題。因此本研究目的在探討肌內效貼紮對於急性頸部疼痛患者在疼痛降低及頸部活動度之影響。方法:本研究為一探索型(exploratory)、隨機控制(randomized controlled)及單盲之實驗。本研究徵召急性頸部疼痛患者(共24位女性,26位男性,平均年齡為32.7±7.4歲),隨機分為實驗組(肌內效貼紮)與對照組(偽肌內效貼紮)。兩組皆於貼紮前(T1)、貼紮後立即(T2)及貼紮後24小時(T3)三個時間點,蒐集受試者自覺疼痛指數(100 mm VAS)、無痛頸椎活動度(C-ROM)及上斜方肌壓痛閾值(PPT),貼紮後並以綜合改善(GRCS)表示病人自覺改善狀況。各項測量結果以二維重複測量共變異數分析(2×3 way repeated measures ANCOVA)進行組間、時間、及時間× 組別交互作用之檢定。p值小於0.05為顯著差異。結果:經肌內效貼紮治療24小時後實驗組明顯改善頸部向右轉動(p=0.037)及向左轉動角度(p≤0.000)。隨著時間的增加,自覺疼痛指數降低(p=0.024)、頸屈曲角度增加(p=0.008)、頸後仰角度增加(p=0.035)、頸向左及向右側彎角度亦增加(p=0.023),但兩組之間並無分別(p=0.461)。上斜方肌壓痛閾值則無顯著的祖間或治療差異。貼紮後24小時,兩組皆顯示自覺改善程度增加,但無統計上之顯著差異。結論:本研究顯示對急性頸部疼痛患者提供「肌內效貼紮治療」可以在24小時內有效增加頸部左右轉的角度。此一治療介入成效快速,在臨床治療急性頸部疼痛病患上,為一個不錯的選擇。


Purpose: Neck pain is a common musculoskeletal condition that may result in functional limitation, disability, and high medical costs. This study was designed to investigate the effect of Kinesio tape application on pain intensity, cervical range of motion, and personal satisfaction in patients with acute neck pain. Methods: This was an exploratory, randomized controlled trial and participant-blinded, within-subject repeated-measures design. Patients with acute neck pain (24 males, 26 females, 32.7±7.4 y/o) were recruited and randomly divided into the intervention group (Kinesio taping with pain relief method) and the control group (Kinesio taping with placebo method). The primary outcomes were pain intensity (100 mm visual analog scale, VAS) and cervical pain-free active range of motion. The secondary outcomes were pressure pain threshold (PPT) over the upper trapezius and global rating of change scales (GRCS). These measurements were performed before (T1), immediately (T2) and 24 hours (T3) after intervention. Results: The results of repeated measures ANCOVA revealed that there was a significant group by time interaction for pain-free rightward (p=0.037) and leftward cervical rotation (p≦0.000). A significant time effect was found for VAS (p=0.024) and cervical flexion (p=0.008), extension (p=0.035), and leftward (p=0.023) and rightward (p=0.023) side-bending. No significant time effect or group by time interaction was found for the pressure pain threshold. Although patients in both groups reported improvement in GRCS 24 hours post intervention, no significant group difference was identified. Conclusions: Our data showed that Kinesio taping improved movement range of cervical rotation. Clinicians could integrate this taping method into the management of acute neck pain.
