  • 期刊

【論文摘要】To Observe the Influence of Physical Activity on Round Shoulder Posture and Forward Head Posture in Healthy Young Adults



Background and Purpose: Several studies proposed that healthy young adults with low physical activity level showed poor musculoskeletal health. Besides, studies also indicated that sedentary adults tended to have faulty posture such as round shoulder posture and forward head posture. However, there are few studies of investigating the influence between physical activity level, forward head posture, and round shoulder posture. Therefore, our study focus on the influence of physical activity on round shoulder posture and forward head posture in healthy young adults. Methods: 20 healthy young adults (21.28 ± 0.71 years) with high physical activity level (≥ 3000 MET/week) and 20 healthy ones (21.18 ± 1.22 years) with low physical activity level (< 3000 MET/week) were recruited in this study. To measure their physical activity level, both groups underwent the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). The scapular index (SI) would calculate to access the round shoulder posture. Besides, the craniovertebral angles (CVA) would calculate to access the forward head posture. The independent t-test was used to examine for differences in SI and CVA between the 2 groups. Results: There was significant difference in SI for the two groups (p = 0.023). Moreover, the low physical activity group (SI = 66.75 ± 5.97) showed lower SI than the high physical activity group (SI = 70.72 ± 3.43). However, there was no significant difference in CVA between the two groups (p = 0.345). Conclusions: Following this study, health young adults with low physical activity level could negatively affect shoulder posture but couldn't affect the head posture. Clinical Relevance: For health considerations, a regular check to round shoulder posture in low physical activity level subjects is necessary.


