  • 期刊


Brand Image, Advertisement Effects, Brand Equity and Relationship Quality of Corporate Sponsor in Beijing Olympics


本研究目的為觀察運動贊助對於消費者品牌形象之影響。本研究以北京奧運期間收看奧運電視轉播的臺灣觀眾為研究對象,採用問卷調查法施測。問卷資料回收後,將有效樣本之資料進行驗證性因素分析(Confirmatory Factor Analysis, CFA)和結構方程模式 (Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)檢定觀眾對贊助企業之品牌形象、廣告效果、品牌權益與關係品質之整體模式,並分析各路徑間之直接效果、間接效果與總效果。本研究結果顯示:一、觀賞北京奧運電視轉播的臺灣觀眾以男性居多,年齡大多在26~30歲,學歷多為大學(專)以上;二、觀眾對於北京奧運贊助企業辨識率以及印象最高的是麥當勞;三、企業「品牌形象」對「廣告效果」效果影響顯著,顯示奧運轉播期間出現的品牌知名度愈高,廣告播出效果相對較高;四、「品牌形象」對「品牌權益」效果影響顯著;五、贊助企業的「品牌形象」顯著影響「關係品質」;六、贊助企業的「廣告效果」對「品牌權益」的效果影響顯著,可以帶來正向的品牌態度及品牌權益,在觀眾心中留下好印象;七、「品牌權益」對「關係品質」的效果影響顯著,若消費者對品牌價值反應有助於建立長期的關係品質。本研究結論:未來企業對於大型運動會的贊助應加強品牌形象與廣告效果,以增加品牌之關係品質與品牌權益。


直接效果 間接效果 總效果


Purpose: to discuss the issues of brand image, advertisement effects, brand equity and relationship quality. Methods: the on-line questionnaire survey was adopted for this study, and the people who watched the live cover of Olympic Games were the subjects of this survey. The survey of this study was analyzed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling to examine the effects of Beijing Olympic Games on brand image, advertisement effects, brand equity and relationship quality. Besides, this study tried to analyze the direct effects, indirect effects, and the total effects. Results: (1) Most audience of Olympic Games live covering were male, 26 ~ 30 years old, college educated, monthly income, of NT 20,001 ~ 30,000 watched 1 ~ 2 hours of Olympic Games report every day. (2) The easiest brand to be identified of Olympic Games was McDonald, then the Coca Cola. (3) The most impressed brand of Olympic Games was McDonald, then the Coca Cola. (4) The brand image produced tremendous influence to advertisement effects. It showed the most famous brand gained the highest effects on Olympic Games advertisement. (5) The brand image produced tremendous influence to brand equity. It means good brand image brought better brand equity. (6) The brand image produced tremendous influence to relationship quality. In other words, good and valuable brand image kept good relationship with consumers. (7) The advertisement effects produced tremendous influence to brand equity. It means the positive advertisement brought good brand equity and good impression to consumers. Conclusion: businesses for sponsorship of major sporting events should strengthen the brand image and advertising effectiveness.


余宗龍、陳忠誠、詹彩琴、周建智(2005)。運動用品廠商贊助體育活動對運動消費者影響之研究:以2004 Adidas 鬥牛王朝高中校園三對三籃球賽為例。大專體育學刊。7(2),47-58。


