  • 期刊


Perception of Movement Coordination Underlying Visual Anticipation Skill


對於視覺預期訊息特性的瞭解,是持拍類運動的專家表現和訓練活動設計之重要知識。為瞭解球員在動作預期時對視覺訊息中的動作協調型態之知覺情形,本研究目的首先針對羽球正手切球與高遠球擊球動作進行協調型態分析,進一步以預期測驗來瞭解動作協調與訊息知覺間的關係。首先擷取4名甲組球員正手擊球動作的全身主要運動肢段關節之三維空間座標進行主成分分析,並計算投射值時間序列的變異量進行球路動作協調比較。接著將成分動作進行重建,再分別由10名甲組和一般球員進行結果預期。結果發現兩種擊球動作型態的70% 變異可由四個成分來解釋,其中動作協調的差異主要來自第二成分所描述的動作,亦即全身肢段在上下軸向的動作。整體而言,甲組球員於預期表現並無專家優勢,重建動作間亦無組合效果,但是甲組球員的預期表現與球路間動作協調的差異較一致。本研究結論為:技能水準較高者的球路預期與動作協調的區別特性有一致性表現,代表動作協調型態的知覺與供預期的視覺訊息之間有所關聯。


Understanding of the characteristic information for anticipation is one of the important knowledge to study about the expertise of racket sport or to design the training activities. To explore the movement coordination perceived in anticipation, the present study examined the movement pattern of forehand drop and clear in badminton. This study also focused on how these factors related to the prediction of movement outcome. We captured three dimensional coordinates of the makers attached on major joints of 4-top level badminton players during stroke. The kinematics data was computed by using principal component analysis and the value of change on projection was calculated. The movement rebuilt via the combinations of component was shown to the observers of players of top and ordinary skill level. Results showed that four components explained about 70% of variance of movement in stokes of drop and clear. Difference of movement coordination between types of stroke was predominately found on movement built from second component, which describing movement coordination along the superoinferior axis. In general, top level players did not superior to the ordinaries in anticipation performance. Moreover, no significant effect of combinations of component movement was shown. However, the performance of prediction for the top level players was more consistent to the characteristic that discriminated the movement coordination between different types of stroke. It could be concluded that the prediction of top level players showed more correspondence with the characteristic discriminating types of stroke indicated there exist relationship between the perception on movement coordination and the information for predicting types of stroke in badminton playing.


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