  • 學位論文


A 6-σ Study of Human Movement Control,Its Variability and Learning Effect

指導教授 : 林久翔


摘要 企業導入六標準差無非是改善企業文化、企業流程再造、減少浪費、降低成本以達最大獲利,一個完整的流程自接受顧客訂單起至交貨,乃至於售後服務,之中包含了無數的子流程,雖然絕大部分製造流程均由自動化裝置代替,但其中不乏人員操作,因此本研究以人員知覺運動操作與學習原理出發,利用Fitts’ Law比較不同電腦人機介面方式,探討此類人工操作是否也可達六標準差程度,並比較其間差異。 在本研究中,主要探討在不同點擊裝置(滑鼠、觸控式螢幕)、目標尺寸W(100 、150 、200 、250 )、目標距離D(400pixels、500 pixels、600 pixels、700 pixels)實驗條件下,反覆點擊6個回合,點擊時間、失誤率、能力指數(Capability Index) 、Sigma、各點擊點至規格中心之平均距離 、各點擊點至( )之平均距離 學習效果之差異。 結果發現,觸控式螢幕Sigma約在5以上,滑鼠則大約3.5左右;在平均點擊時間方面,觸控式螢幕學習效果優於滑鼠,滑鼠在 方面有較低的逆成長程度,即滑鼠 隨著點擊次數增加,增加的速度較為緩慢。 將學習曲線與Fitts’ Law加以整合,得到觸控式螢幕與滑鼠之學習曲線為: 滑鼠: 觸控式螢幕: 本研究結果期望能提供企業在推行包含人工作業流程六標準差專案時,作為評估與參考之依據。


Abstract Enterprises introduce “Six Sigma” to their companies because they hope this procedure could improve their business culture, reconstruct their manufacturing process, and reduce costs and time waste, but the ultimate goal is to maximize their profits. Although a complete manufacturing process, from the order, delivery, to customer service, most productions are controlled by automated equipment now, there are still numerous manual processes that require the operation and manipulation of the hand. The purpose of this research is to investigate whether the manual process could reach the “Six Sigma” level or not. This research investigates the learning and repetition effect using the Fitts’ Law implemented on two types of pointing method, the hand touch on a touch screen and the mouse and a cursor. Experiments were operated under the conditions of different pointing methods, widths, and distances for six trials. Average pointing time, probability of miss, Cp, Sigma, (mean of distance from pointing spot to center of target), and (mean of distance from pointing spot to the mean location) were analyzed with respect to the Fitts’ Law. Based on the results, the sigma of touch screen is 5 or above, and is about 3.5 sing the mouse. As for the average pointing time, the learning effect of the touch screen is better than the mouse. With the increased clicking frequency, the speed in becomes slower for the mouse. To synthesize the learning curve and Fitts’ law, the learning curves of the touch screen and mouse are respectively: Mouse: Touch Screen: The result of this research could be used as an assessment tool when enterprises introduce the “Six Sigma” approach to their productions whenever manual operations are involved.


Learning Curve Mouse. Touching Screen Six Sigma Fitts’ law


偉聯科技股份有限公司, Http://www.neovo.com.tw.
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