  • 期刊


Effect of Cycling Training on Activation of Vastus Lateralis and Vastus Medialis Oblique Muscle


預防髕骨股骨疼痛症候群的策略之一是股內斜肌 (vastus medialis oblique, VMO) 與股外側肌 (vastuslateralis, VL) 之神經活化功能訓練,採取高座椅腳踏車運動雖被發現可刺激VMO與VL之神經活化,然而是否可藉由長期訓練來使VMO/VL 活化比值提升並提前活化時間點仍莫衷一是,本研究目的為探討長期腳踏車訓練是否具有改善神經肌肉功能之效益。本研究召募18位健康男性受試者(20.7 ± 0.7歲),以隨機方式平均分成兩組,實驗組接受8週、每週3次、每次20分鐘之腳踏車訓練,控制組則不接受任何訓練;兩組於訓練前後接受階梯測驗,測驗過程中以表面肌電儀收集VMO與VL之神經肌肉功能參數。結果發現:實驗組在上階梯時的VMO與VL活化時間點皆有顯著提前,下階梯無顯著差異;控制組則皆無顯著差異;組間比較所有參數皆未達顯著差異。研究結論:本研究以健康男性為對象,經接受連續8週腳踏車訓練雖可使VMO與VL的活化時間提早,但相較於控制組未接受訓練者,並未顯示代表控制動作的VMO/VL比值的顯著改變,因此目前所提供之腳踏車訓練尚不足以提供作為VMO與VL神經肌肉功能提升之訓練。


The neuromuscular training of vastus medialis oblique (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) is a common strategy for preventing patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). The neuromuscular activities of VMO and VL can induce by acute cycling exercise in the higher seat position. However, it is not known whether cycling training could improve the VMO to VL ratio for healthy people. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of neuromuscular function after cycling training. Eighteen healthy male subjects (aged: 20.7 ± 0.7 yrs) were randomly allocated into either training or control groups. Subjects in training group trained three times a week for 8 weeks. Each session lasted for 20 min on cycling. Subjects in control group did not participate in any exercise training. Electromyographic (EMG) onset time and activities of VMO and VL were collected during a stair-stepping task that was performed before and after training. Results showed that subjects in training group had significant earlier VMO and VL EMG onset time during the ascend stepping of post-test, but no significant difference in descend stepping. No significant changes in all parameters were found in control group. Furthermore, all parameters were not significantly different between two groups. Our results showed that VMO and VL activation time for healthy male subjects could be improved after 8-week cycling training, but the VMO to VL ratio, which represents motor control did not change significantly compared to control. Thus, the cycling training in our study is insufficient to enhance neuromuscular function in VMO and VL.


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