  • 期刊


Constraints on Attendance at Chinese Professional Baseball Games


本研究目的為探討中華職棒賽會現場觀賞阻礙因素並以阻礙因素預測到現場觀賞賽會的意圖。本研究以購物中心攔截法(mall intercept method)在北部、中部與南部大型百貨公司入口進行問卷蒐集。研究階段一主要是請受試者寫出中華職棒賽會現場觀賞阻礙因素;研究階段二則針對研究階段一所整理出的中華職棒賽會現場觀賞阻礙進行現場觀賞阻礙因素結構初探;研究階段三主要針對研究階段二所產生的中華職棒賽會現場觀賞阻礙因素結構進行覆核效化(cross validation),並以多元逐步回歸分析(multiple stepwise regression analysis)探討中華職棒賽會現場觀賞阻礙因素對於現場觀賞意圖之預測效果。研究結果發現,中華職棒賽會現場觀賞阻礙因素包括:「場館設施」、「缺乏興趣」、「不夠精彩」、「費用議題」、「醜聞遺毒」、「行銷不足」、「球賽球員」、「不懂規則」、「可接近性」與「賽會氣氛」。進一步檢視各自變項發現,「缺乏興趣」、「球賽球員」、「不懂規則」、「行銷不足」與「可接近性」皆為中華職棒賽會現場觀賞意圖的顯著負向預測因子。本研究結論:本研究不僅協助中華職棒大聯盟瞭解其潛在客群到現場觀賞賽事之阻礙因素,更有助於中華職棒大聯盟擬定更有效之行銷策略,同時也期待中華職棒大聯盟重返過去的榮景。


The purposes of this study were to investigate the constraints of attendance in the games of Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL), and to predict intention of attendance in CPBL games using the constraints as independent variables. Mall intercept method was employed for data collection at the main entrances of department stores located in northern, central and southern Taiwan. Study I was designed to elicit participants' perceived constraints to attend CPBL games by means of open-ended questions. Study II was developed not only to conduct item analysis but also to discover the tentative factor structures of participants' perceived constraints to attend CPBL games based on the findings from Study I. Study III was established to cross-validate the factor structures of participants' perceived constraints to attend CPBL games based on the findings from Study II. Multiple stepwise regression analysis was performed to explore the effects of perceived constraints on intention to attend CPBL games. The findings of the present study revealed that perceived constraints to attend CPBL games included ”poor facility and equipment,” ”lack of interest,” ”lack of performance,” ”financial concerns,” ”game-fixing scandals effects,” ”insufficient marketing efforts,” ”CPBL games and players are not good enough,” ”lack of knowledge of baseball games,” ”inconvenient accessibility to the stadium,” and ”game atmosphere.” Furthermore, some constraints such as ”lack of interest,” ”CPBL games and players are not good enough,” ”lack of knowledge of baseball games,” ”insufficient marketing efforts,” and ”inconvenient accessibility to the stadium” were found to be the negative predictors of intention to attend CPBL games. The study concluded that the findings from this study not only help CPBL understand the perceived constraints of potential customers to attend CPBL games, but also contribute to the development of more effective marketing strategies for CPBL. Meanwhile, it is expected that CPBL may return to the previous prosperity.


中華職棒(2012,1 月 4 日)。球迷成長數。資料引自 http://www.cpbl.com.tw/html/numeration.asp


