  • 期刊


Probiotics Supplementation May Not Influence Endurance Performance and Immunity Response After Exercise


本研究的目的旨在探討:一、增補益生菌是否影響耐力運動表現?二、增補益生菌是否影響耐力性運動後的免疫功能反應?以22名自願參加的男性運動員為受試者,所有受試者都具備3年以上的訓練經驗。研究採雙盲模式,前測以受試者最大攝氧量75%的運動強度於跑步機上進行耐力運動測試至力竭為止。前測完成後,將實驗參與者依據前測之運動表現平均分配至益生菌組或安慰劑組開始進行6週增補,並於增補結束後1天再次進行耐力運動之後測。血液及唾液樣本的採集時間分別為運動前、運動後、運動後1小時及運動後3小時。研究結果發現2組受試者在6週的專項訓練後,身體組成、運動表現及白血球、嗜中性白血球、淋巴細胞及其次群的變化皆無顯著的差異。本研究結論:在為期6週的訓練期間,每日增補1 × 10^(10) colony-forming unit(CFU)的胚芽乳酸菌未顯著影響身體組成及提升運動表現,亦無顯著改變白血球、嗜中性白血球及淋巴細胞的反應。


The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of probiotics supplementation on endurance performance and immunity response in athletes after endurance exercise. Twenty-two male athletes, who have been trained for at least 3 years were voluntarily participated in this double-blind experimental study. All participants were performed a 75% maximum oxygen consumption (VO_(2max)) intensity exhaustive endurance test on treadmill as a pre-test. After pretest, participants were separated into probiotics and placebo trials, and then performed the same intensity of exhaustive endurance exercise for 6-week. Participants in probiotics trial received Lactobacillus plantarum (1 × 10^(10) colony-forming unit [CFU] per day) for 6-week. Blood and saliva samples were collected at pre-exercise, post-exercise, 1 hour post-exercise, and 3 hours post-exercise. The results showed that probiotics supplementation had no effect on athletes’ body composition and exercise performance. Furthermore, blood counts of leukocyte, lymphocyte and neutrophil percentage and counts were not significantly different between probiotics and placebo trials. We concluded that 6-week probiotics supplementation during training period had no significant effect on athletes' endurance performances and did not change the immunity response in athletes after exercise.


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