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Analysis of Development of the Marine Sport Tourism Industry in the Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Based on Social Network Management




This study adopted social network management theory concepts to analyze associations inherent in the development of the marine sport tourism industry in the Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area. Based on results of the analysis, it then discussed the outlook of the social network in the marine sport tourism area. After calculating network density, the association density obtained through in-depth interviews was higher than that of the secondary data from internet search. Findings also showed that the Ministry of Education's Sports Administration, the Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Management Office, and Orient International were key factors driving the relevant overall social network. Social networks of the public and private sectors and the community were interconnected and the association density was high. Regarding the real relationships, the Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Management Office and the Dapeng Bay International Development Cooperation were the 2 cores of the Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area. Both of these should start with corporate views and notions. The government should try its best to make promises. Companies should cooperate in pursuing 2 goals for the development of the marine sport tourism industry: solving issues based on the government's relevant policies, and building a social network around economic development and marine sport tourism industry partnerships. This combination of strategies would make the Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area an international leisure and recreation area featuring aquatic activities.


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