  • 期刊


Factors Relative to Satisfaction of the First Time Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit Patients' Family


目的:了解影響第一次使用加護病房病人家屬滿意度之相關因素。 方法:於病人入住加護病房24-48小時間進行自填問卷調查。 結果:共174位家屬(88.3%)完成問卷,對加護病房之整體滿意度爲4.28±0.72(非常滿意爲5);若有需要時,114(65.5%)位家屬傾向選譯再使用該加護病房。經Logistic迴歸分析,與整體滿意度有關的因素爲曾至他院加護病房探視、硬體設備、服務流程、主治醫師專業知識與技術四者;影響是否選譯再使用該加護病房的因素爲醫師對所提問題的回答與服務流程兩項。 結論:初入加護病房家屬之滿意度除受硬體設備之影響外,家屬個人之過去經驗、服務流程及加護病房主治醫師之專業知識技術與對問題的回應亦具有影響性。


The main purpose of this study is to measure the family satisfaction and its relative factors to the first time admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) patients. A self-administered questionnaire was used to investigate the family within 24-48 hours after patient admitted to the ICU and still stayed during the survey time. There were total 174 families (88.3%) completed the questionnaire. The average of overall satisfaction were 4.28±0.72 while the score of very satisfaction was 5. Sixty-five point five percent of family tended to choose or recommend the ICU again if necessary. Through Logistic regression analysis, the major factors affected the overall satisfaction were visiting other ICU before, service process, facilities and equipment, and attending physician's professional knowledge and skills. The factors affected the tendency of choosing the ICU again if necessary were service process and attending physician's respond to their questions. This study showed that except the facilities and equipment, family's personal former experience, service process, professional knowledge and skill of attending physician and their respond to family's questions were all seemed had positive influence on the family satisfaction of patient who admitted to the ICU for the first time.


ICU Family satisfaction Critical care


