  • 期刊


A Study of Educational Status and Issues in the Gifted Handicapped Students



資優殘障學生受到注意是晚近一、二十年的事,但對於其教育現況與問題則較缺乏實徵性的探討。本研究抽樣調查了國內774所國民中小學及六所特殊學校,在總調查人數583,464人當中,發現73位資優殘障學生。本研究使用問卷調查及實地訪談方式,以瞭解資 優殘障學生的教育現況與問題,獲得如下結論:一、資優殘障學生大多被安置於普通班中;以資優的聽障的學生為多。二、資優殘障學生(1)理解力和記憶力佳,(2)學習動機強,(3)以一般的課業學習為重,(4)家長展現高度的關懷與支持;但(1)表達能力及(2)對課業壓力的承受度低。三、資優殘障學生(1)健康狀況良好、活力充沛,(2)情緒穩定,(3)課業表現優良、對自我有高的期望,(4)能被同學接納,(5)能自我了解、自我接納;但對於(1)工作的持續力,(2)挫折的容忍度,(3)溝通能力,及(4)自信心較差。四、資優殘障學生的老師感覺最迫切需要的是:(1)相關團隊的合作,(2)人格輔導的策略,(3)專業知能的進修,(4)專長教師的諮詢,及(5)教學策略的運用。五、資優殘障學生最迫切的需求是:(1)彈性開放的升學管道,(2)專長的指導老師,(3)生涯的規劃與輔導,及(4)社會大眾的支持。根據研究結果,本研究提出如下的建議:(一)重視資優殘障學生的教育安置問題,(二) 加強資優殘障學生的學習與心理輔導,(三)重視專業團隊的合作並提昇教師的專業知能,(四)暢通資優殘障學生的升學管道,(五)教導社會大眾接納資優殘障學生。




Until the latest two decades, people have begun to pay attention to the gifted handicapped students. However, practical studies in educational status of the gifted handicapped and related issues have been lacking. A random sample was taken from 774 elementary and secondary schools and six special schools for exceptional students in this study. There were 73 gifted handicapped students who were identified from the 583,464 subjects. Mail questionnaires and face-to-face interviews were employed in this study. From the analysis of data, the following results were found:1. Most of the gifted handicapped were placed in regular classrooms. The majority of the gifted handicapped were students with hearing impairments.2. Apart from having good comprehension and memory, the gifted handicapped had strong motive of learning. They put heavy rate of time in pursuing academic achievement. The parents were concerned about and supported their gifted handicapped children. However, the gifted handicapped were weak in communication and endurance of stress in academic learning.3. The gifted handicapped showed the following strength: health, vigorous, stable emotion, academic accomplishment, self-expectation, accepted by peers, self-understanding, and self-accept. However, they also appeared the following weakness: task duration, tolerance of frustration, communication, and self-confidence.4. The followings were the most pressing needs that the teachers of the gifted handicapped have expressed: (1) cooperation of related professional teams, (2) strategies of personality counseling, (3) inservice training in professional knowledge, (4) consultation from professional persons, and (5) usage of teaching strategies.5. The followings were the most urgent needs that the teachers for the gifted handicapped have indicated: (1) elastic and opened paths of school entrance, (2) mentorship, (3) career planning and guidance, (4) supports from the general public.Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were proposed: (1) paying heavy attention to the placement of the gifted handicapped (2) strengthening the guidance of the gifted handicapped students' learning and psychological adaptation, (3) emphasizing the importance of multidisciplinary approaches and enhancing teachers' professional knowledge and skills, (4) smoothing the paths of school entrance for the gifted handicapped, and (5) teaching the general pubic to accept the gifted handicapped.




