  • 期刊


The Effect of Vocabulary-Based Picture Book Instruction on the Reading Performance for Elementary School Students with Learning Disabilities


本研究旨在探討詞彙導向繪本教學對學習障礙學生的閱讀學習成效。詞彙導向之繪本教學是指於繪本教學中運用繪本的特性及文句脈絡教學法,教導學生詞彙意義,期望藉由繪本閱讀與詞彙意義的瞭解,能增進學生的閱讀表現。 本研究採用單一受試跨受試多試探設計,以三位二年級學習障礙學生為研究對象,進行六個單元之繪本教學。探討學生在詞彙能力測驗、閱讀流暢度及閱讀理解測驗之表現,並進行說明。最後,進行受試者及其導師之社會效度分析。本研究結果顯示: 一、「詞彙導向之繪本教學」對國小學習障礙學生,在詞彙能力測驗上,具有立即成效與保留成效。 (一)在認讀詞彙測驗上具有立即成效與保留成效。 (二)在詞彙意義測驗上具有立即成效與保留成效。 二、「詞彙導向之繪本教學」對國小學習障礙學生,在繪本之閱讀流暢度上,具有立即成效與保留成效。 (一)在繪本之平均一分鐘朗讀字數上,具有立即成效與保留成效。 (二)在繪本之朗讀正確率上,具有立即成效與保留成效。 三、「詞彙導向之繪本教學」對國小學習障礙學生,在閱讀理解測驗上,具有立即成效與保留成效。 四、學習障礙學生及其導師對「詞彙導向之繪本教學」予以支持肯定。根據上述結論,研究者分別對教學與未來相關研究提出建議。


The purpose of this study is to explore reading effects of vocabulary-based picture book instruction on the elementary school students with learning disabilities. The vocabulary-based picture book instruction promotes students' reading performance by reading picture books and understanding the meaning of vocabulary via teaching students the meaning of vocabulary with the characteristic of picture books and context clues. The multiple probes across subjects design of single-subject research is used in this study. This study conducts the six-unit courses of picture book instruction for three second grade students with learning disabilities. The study explores students' progress on the performance of vocabulary ability test, reading fluency test, and reading comprehension test. The results of this study shows as the follows: 1. The vocabulary-based picture book instruction has immediate and maintaining effects on the performance of vocabulary ability test. (1) The vocabulary-based picture book instruction has immediate and maintaining effects on the performance of word recognition test. (2) The vocabulary-based picture book instruction has immediate and maintaining effects on the performance of word meaning test. 2. The vocabulary-based picture book instruction has immediate and maintaining effects on the performance of reading fluency test. (1) The vocabulary-based picture book instruction has immediate and maintaining effects to improve the students' performance of picture book reading on the rate of correct words per minute. (2) The vocabulary-based picture book instruction has immediate and maintaining effects to improve the students' performance of picture book reading on the accuracy of word recognition. 3. The vocabulary-based picture book instruction has immediate and maintaining effects on the performance of reading comprehension test. 4. Elementary school students with learning disabilities and their mentors confirmed that vocabulary-based picture book instruction could improve the reading performance of the students with learning disabilities. According to the findings, several suggestions for instruction and future research were proposed.




