  • 期刊


Effects on the Acidity and Ca Availability in the Profile of an Acid Soil due to Application of Different Amendments in Topsoil


在熱帶和亞熱帶地區,底土酸性常為限制深根性作物生長之因子之一,故強酸性土壤的剖面酸性之改良,為提昇作物生育及品質的重要舉措。本研究之目的即在評估表層施用不同改良質材對強酸性關西土壤剖面酸性及鈣有效性的影響。本試驗以管柱分層方式模擬強酸性關西土壤之土壤剖面(0-10、10-20、20-30、30-40、40-50、50-60、60-70及70-80 cm),分別添加六種質材(石灰、石膏、雞糞堆肥、石灰加雞糞堆肥、石膏加雞糞堆肥、及石灰加石膏)於表層10cm土壤,並予以均勻混合,且各處理以提供相同鈣量為基準,並設一對照組,之後模擬臺灣全年降雨量2,500mm下,進行每日的淋洗,持續45天,各處理三重複。結果顯示,除單施石膏之處理外,其餘處理均可提昇表層10cm土壤的pH,而對10cm以下土壤pH的影響並不顯著;其中又以單施石灰及雞糞堆肥者的pH提昇效果較顯著。結果亦顯示,改良質材的添加均可增加土壤剖面交換性鈣含量和降低交換性鋁含量的作用,唯改良的土壤深度則依改良資材之不同而異;其中石灰的改良效果較侷限於表層20cm土壤範圍,其他處理則可改善至較深之土層(50 cm),尤其是石膏加雞糞堆肥之處理的改良效果較顯著,且混合資材之處理均較單獨資材之施用更能有效降低土壤剖面鋁的毒害。藉由本試驗結果之評估,以石膏加雞糞堆肥之處理對改善強酸性土壤剖面之酸性和增進鈣有效性的效果最佳。


Subsoil acidity is one of the serious problems in crop production in the humid and subhumid tropics; therefore, the amelioration of acid soil profiles is an important practice for improving the yield and quality of crops. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects on acidity and Ca availability in the profile of an acidic Kuan-Si soil by application of different amendments in topsoil. Different amendments (lime, gypsum, chicken compost, lime with chicken compost, gypsum with chicken compost, and lime with gypsum) were mixed with the top 10 cm of soil in each column. Each treatment was conducted with daily leaching so as to provide the same a mount of Ca, and one check treatment was also done for 45 days. Results showed that each amendment could increase the content of exchangeable Ca and decrease the content of exchangeable Al in the soil; however, the effect o f amelioration along the soil depth varied with the different amendments. The effect o f amelioration by application of lime in topsoil was found to be limited to the top 20 cm, but the other treatments were effective down to 50 cm. Among these, the treatment with gypsum and chicken compost was the most effective at deeper soil depths. It is concluded that the combination of gypsum with chicken compost had the greatest effect in correcting problems related to acidity and low Ca availability in the soil profile of this strongly acidic soils.


