  • 期刊


lnvestigation of lndigenous Yeasts on Grapes and Detection of Yeast Flora Dynamics during the Fermentation


本研究調查鑑定葡萄鮮食品種巨峰及釀酒品種黑后之果實表面酵母菌菌種,分離獲得473株,以PCR-RFLP分析核糖體核酸ITS區域的多型性,分屬12群,根據型態特徵、生理生化特性與265 rDNA D1/D2序列、鑑定出其中六屬九種:Bulleromyces albus、Sporidiobolus pararoseus、Cryptococcus albidus、Cryptococcus aureus、Cryptococcus luteolus、Hanseniaspora uvarum、Rhodosporidium paludigenum、Rhodosporidium sphaerocarpum與Rhodotorula minuta。兩個葡萄品種果實表面酵母菌,皆以Sporidiobolus pararoseus、Cryptococus aureus與Rhodosporidium paludigenum為優勢種,佔總菌數約92%。經培養與非培養法調查葡萄酒釀製過程中菌相的變化,初期多樣性較高,後期則以Saccharomyces cerevisiae為優勢菌。


This study investigated the yeast diversity on the fruit surfaces of two grapevine varieties of Taiwan, Kyoho and Black Queen, and the yeast flora fluctuation during the fermentation of Black Queen. There were 12 yeast RFLP groups clustered by RFLP analysis of rDNA ITS region from 473 yeast isolates and 9 species of 6 genera identified by morphological and physiological characters and 265 rDNA D1/D2 sequence analysis They were Bulleromyces albus, Sporidiobolus pararoseus, Cryptococcus albidus, Cryptococcus aureus, Cryptococcus luteolus, Hanseniaspora uvarum, Rhodosporidium paludigenum, Rhodosporidium sphaerocarpum and Rhodotorula minuta. Sporidiobolus pararoseus, Cryptococus aureus and Rhodosporidium paludigenum were the dominant species on the fruit surfaces of both grapevine varieties. Culture-dependent and -independent methods were used to examine the yeast diversity present in Black Queen fermentation. In the early stage of fermentation, several yeast species were present, while in the middle and the end of fermentation, saccharomyces cerevisiae was dominant.
