  • 期刊


Hearing Aid Efficacy in Infants Using Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials


「大腦皮質聽覺誘發電位」(Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials, CAEP)是聲音刺激在大腦階段所引發的神經反應活動,可藉由短暫的刺激音(純音或語音)誘發出來。CAEP在檢測過程中不需受測者做出行為反應的特點,使這項檢測工具特別適用於評估嬰幼兒或是合併發展遲緩/多重障礙的幼童,而CAEP能反應語音處理以及語音分辨能力的特性更加顯示出這項檢測工具在嬰幼兒助聽器效益驗證方面的發展潛力。亦曾有學者嘗試以「聽性腦幹反應」(Auditory Brainstem Response, ABR)評估助聽器的效益,但是仍有一些問題需要克服。因此,本篇文章著重於介紹CAEP在嬰幼兒助聽器調整與驗證的相關應用。在文章中亦介紹澳洲國家聲學實驗室(National Acoustic Laboratories of Australia)在累積多年的研究成果後所開發出的聽覺誘發反應儀-HEARLab System。最後,以個案討論的方式呈現CAEP在臨床實務上的應用。


Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials (CAEP) represent neural activities in response to sound at the level of auditory cortex. This objective measurement of brain's response to sound is ideal for evaluating young infants or difficult-to-test populations. It has been shown that CAEP has the potential to determine the efficacy of hearing aid fitting, whereas the use of auditory brainstem response (ABR) still exists some unsolved problems. The topic of this article is focusing on the applications of CAEP in infant hearing aid fitting and validation. An established clinical protocol to record CAEP developed by National Acoustic Laboratories of Australia is also introduced. Case reports are presented to further illustrate the clinical applications of CAEP.


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