  • 期刊


Review of the Editions of Mi Shu Sheng Xu Bian Dao Si Ku Que Shu Mu about the Existing Transmitted Editions




As a bibliography compiled by the government, Mi Shu Sheng Xu Bian Dao Si Ku Que Shu Mu (秘書省續編到四庫闕書目; hereafter Mi Mu秘目), which of great textual value, has a definite source. But there is almost no attention to this bibliography. The important reason is that the edit of Mi Mu is not perfect, while the precondition of the edit is to decide the lineage of the editions of Mi Mu. There are two known edition systems of Mi Mu, the one is the transmitted edition system, another is the incomplete edition system. The editions which can be seen presently all belong to the transmitted edition system. This article is to study the transmitted edition of Mi Mu. By investigation, there are 12 existing editions of Mi Mu in this system. Through collation and evidential research, we can divide these 12 editions into four sub-systems. These four sub-systems are Ji Rui Lou Ben (稽瑞樓本) edition system, Zhang Fu Chuan Cang Ben (張芙川藏本) edition system, Ni En Fu Ben (倪恩福本) edition system, and Ti Zhang Jin Wu Ben (題張金吾本) edition system. By selecting the authoritative edition to collate, we can provide basic research results for Mi Mu's future study.


丁丙(2002)。善本書室藏書志(續修四庫全書,史部927)。上海市:上海古籍。【[Ding, Bin] (2002). [Shan Ben Shu Shi cang shu zhi] ([Xu xiu Si Ku Quan Shu, shi bu 927]). Shanghai, China: Shanghai Guji. (Original work published in the Qing Dynasty; in Chinese)】
丁白(1994)。寶書閣書錄(叢書集成續編,史部68)。上海市:上海書店。【[Ding, Bai] (1994). [Bao Shu Ge shu lu] ([Cong shu ji cheng xu bian, shi bu 68]). Shanghai, China: Shanghai Shudian. (Original work published in the Qing Dynasty; in Chinese)】
丁立中(2005)。八千卷樓書目(中國著名藏書家書目匯刊,近代6-8)。北京市:商務印書館。【[Ding, Li-Zhong] (2005). [Ba Qian Juan Lou shu mu] ([Zhong Guo zhu ming cang shu jia shu mu hui kan, jin dai 6-8]). Beijing, China: The Commercial Press. (Original work published in the Qing Dynasty; in Chinese)】
中國古籍善本書目編輯委員會(編)(1993)。中國古籍善本書目・史部。上海市:上海古籍。【Editorial Board of [Zhong Guo Gu Ji Shan Ben Shu Mu]. (Eds.). (1993). [Zhong Guo gu ji shan ben shu mu. shi bu]. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Guji. (in Chinese)】
中國古籍善本書目編輯委員會(編)(2003)。稿本中國古籍善本書目(稿本中國古籍善本書目書名索引,中冊)。濟南市:齊魯書社。【Editorial Board of [Zhong Guo Gu Ji Shan Ben Shu Mu]. (Eds.). (2003). [Gao ben Zhong Guo gu ji shan ben shu mu] ([Gao ben Zhong Guo gu ji shan ben shu mu suo yin, zhong ce]). Jinan, China: QiLu Press. (in Chinese)】
