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Competition? Cooperation? Public-Private Partnership on Public Culture-Art Facilities Management-The Example of the Peitou Mineral Spring Museum


台灣已發展成為一個蘊含歷史文化及科技產業蓬勃的多元島國,為使得人文與科技取得平衡,以期公共藝文設施之永續經營,在公部門財政短絀之情況下,若是能引進民間投資單位參與之模式,提昇藝文設施活動之活力及多元化。除了可提高民眾之使用參與意願,進而帶給企業某程度之經濟效益,更可提升企業本身之整體形象;對於全體民眾而言,則是企業回饋社會之貢獻;對於地方政府則為節省行政、人事資源經費等,可謂之三贏競合局面。 據此本文將透過:相關理論文獻回顧以了解民間參與模式、文化休閒及經濟財務觀點等,作一定義及觀念上之釐清。其次,民間參與機制的分析與探討將會被應用來建立研究課題之架構。再而,進一步將國內目前已實施民間參與模式之藝文建設,作現況發展之整理分析,並針對民間營運單位作深入之訪談,以了解目前之營運績效及未來亟待解決之問題。最後,本文以「北投溫泉博物館」作為模擬案例,針對營運期間經濟效益之預估分析,依據淨現值法算出其內部報酬率,並提出非市場價格之經濟效益探討。 本文的實證案例,將以不同民間參與模式模擬分析,以評估投資者之經濟財務效益結果,一併提出可提升企業公益形象、凝聚員工向心力等非市場價格之效益,以期成為民間團體投資經營之參考依據,進而提高民間企業、法人團體之投資經營意願,以落實發展多元化藝文建設之根基,故而更提昇多元化之藝文生活型態。最後期望經由相關議題之探討,對於可能面對之問題提出解決的建議,以期中央及地方機關在擁有民間資源之情況下,共同致力於藝術文化之建設,並制定更完善之民間參與藝文建設之法令條文,以提供合法且彈性自主的環境,引導民間企業、財團投入文化建設之工作。


For the purpose to make balance between cultural accomplishments and technological industry in order to manage public Culture- Art facilities sustainably in Taiwan, which has been a multi-development country involved with culture and technology, it is an important strategy to attract private institution to participate in facilities' managerial system such that the vitality and diversification of activities will be enhanced under the condition of government financial deficits. The advantages will not only enhance the participation willingness to incur economic benefit for the institution but also promote the enterprise reputation. For the entire society, every citizen in the city will be satisfied from the institutions' feedback. For the public sector, local government can economize the use of administrative and humanly budgets. In other words, mutual gains from co-opetition among public private partnership in public culture can be achieved with the participation with private institutes. The relative reviews about the theory and method of institutional participating model, cultural leisure and financial analysis will be reviewed for the definition of case study in this paper. Investigation of participating mechanism will be applied to set up the framework in this study. Collection and arrangement of empirical case about participating Culture-Art facilities and interviews of private enterprise will be helpful to the discrimination and resolution with the issues of management performance. Finally, an example of 'Peitou Mineral Spring Museum' will be applied to investigate the economic benefit as well as to solve the solution of internal rate of return during the operating period by net present value method. Furthermore nonmarket value will be discussed in this paper. Four types of private institution participating models will be investigated in this empirical study to evaluate the economic benefit and to calculate the nonmarket value of promoting enterprise reputation as well as to concentrating staffs' centripetal force. This study will therefore be the groundwork to be referred for the future private investors as well as furthermore to increase enterprises willingness to participate Culture-Art facilities management. Therefore, multi-development Culture-Art facilities will be realized to support multi-development Culture-Art life style for the society. Finally, issues will be discussed via relative reviews about institutions' participation and the recommendations for the resolutions of these issues will be formulated. Under the condition that central and local governments with private resources participated, it is possible for public and private sectors to devote themselves to Culture-Art facilities management simultaneously and regulation codes about the private participation in Culture-Art facilities management will be formulated under flexible circumstances legally to induce private institutions' participation on Culture-Art facilities management.


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