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The Research of the Bar Type, the Niche Choice and the Consumer Relation-To Take the Downtown Bar in Hsinchu as an Example


從亞洲城市中不難看出「觀光與休閒」是目前世界各國所希望創造的城市價值,在各類休閒產業之中就屬「酒吧」最具其代表性,並且相當受到西方觀光客的喜愛,自然也成為發展觀光主要產業之一。 酒吧發展具有其獨特的歷史與地域關係,並無法直接從國外經驗直接沿用,所以必須從都市歷史角度進行研究,而國內深具歷史特色且明顯的都市景觀的城市多見,新竹便是一個歷史深厚且以現今高科技呈現的都市,兼具歷史與科技的特質帶來大量的觀光、商務人士、科技新貴與學生,所產生的城市經濟效益也是新竹的消費指數居高不下的主因之一。 研究結果顯示酒吧等殖民城市特有產業,反映的是外移城市的歷史與文化,不僅關係著過去與現在,更反映著時尚的脈動,而且是敏感且多變的產業。重要結果如下: 酒吧產業可有效增加城市觀光收益,在新竹地區具有同樣成效,主要消費者以外地商務人士與學生居多,與其他的外移城市不同,而影響的要素在於多所大專院校學與工業區、科學園區有關。 此研究針對三大酒吧類型,探討酒吧的類型與分佈之間的關係。結果顯示主要消費族群年齡集中在20-35歲之間,由於消費喜好的關係,新竹酒吧因此以「新星酒吧」爲主;其中最受歡迎的則是「Lounge Bar」,也就是俗稱的「沙發酒吧」;而「TV Pub」等傳統酒吧數量雖佔西酒吧類爲數最多,但卻是逐漸凋零歇業的酒吧類型。其中不同消費族群也間接影響不同的類型酒吧的分布。 因爲酒吧產業具有不確定性高的特質,流行、時尚、都市環境、設備等等都是消費者喜好決定酒吧未來經營走向,符合時尚品味改變與迎合消費者最爲注重的個人風格是長久經營最主要的條件。


The primarily goal of this research is to find out the relationship between the gather and distribute of the pubs to probe into the category of the pubs, location and consumer selection behavior. Pub is the most unforgettable and colorful leisure property, because their life behavior is very close to those foreign tourists, the quality of the low consumption makes them more amiable and easy of access, that’s why they exist in every corners of the city. Hsin-Chu City, a very famous culture ancient city, she brings lots of the tourists, businessman, technology upstart and students by the speciality of her historic and technology. We expect to find the best category and the location selection of the pubs for Hsin-Chu City from this research. The major results are as followings: It can bring up the tourism value of the city by developing the leisure property, like pubs. From the theory and the case of those international tourism cities, we knew that it can help the residents and tourists to raise up the identification of the local culture by developing the local feature of Hsin-Chu, and it can also promote the development of the tourism, tours and the amusements. According to the regional distribution and category of the pubs, we knew that the key reason to select the location of the pubs is the distribute of the consumers. The favorite location of the businessman, tourists and students will influence the distribute of the pubs. According to the analysis from the proprietor of the pubs and consumers, we knew that the present state and the future development are deeply influence by the fond of consumers. It will influence the continuous changes directly from the focus on the fond of the consumers by proprietor of the pubs. And because of this, pubs keep change their manage type from the change of consumers fond until nowadays.


