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Process Reengineering of Construction Scaffold Leasing Service : A Case Study of S Company




From the perspective of construction, scaffolding, also called scaffold or staging, is an indispensable but temporary structure used to support a work crew and materials to safety tool in construction projects. In this study, the case company, S-corporation, provides high-quality services in the scaffold rental market to assist clients in planning, designing, structural calculation, and on-site guidance of scaffolding by their engineering staff. Not only is the scaffolding product quality excellent, but also the service quality is recognized and praised by customers. However, resulting from the absence of an immediate on-site inventory confirm, the returning of scaffold, the last stage of the scaffold leasing process caused many disputes between the two parties. To solve the disputes caused by the returning process and achieve a win-win result in both leasing and manufacturing, we propose to assist the case company in planning some solutions, which include: 1. Use "Fishbone Diagram" as a research tool for problem review, analysis and induction. 2. Applying the "Service Opportunity Matrix", proposed by Sawhney, Balasubramanian, and Krishnan (2004), to reengineer the operation process of the scaffold leasing service for the case company and plan its new business project: "Customized Scaffold Leasing, and Services for Erecting, Disassembling, Sorting, and Returning Goods". 3. According to the new business project of "Customized Scaffold Leasing, and Services for Erecting, Disassembling, Sorting, and Returning Goods", we develop a plan in respective of "Service Blueprints" and supporting service marketing 3P (Process, Physical Evidence, and People) in order to formulate a service marketing strategy for the case company's future growth. Based on the case company's solid scaffolding technology, we hope the output of this research can make some aids in constructing a safe bastion for Taiwan's construction industry.


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