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Proximity, Knowledge Transfer and Resilience in a cluster - take the Evolution of Hsinchu Science Park for example




The continuous transfer of knowledge within an industrial cluster is a key element for the cluster to maintain its long-term competitiveness. In recent years, various shocks have occurred frequently, and issues related to the resilience of regional economies and industrial clusters have attracted attention. These shocks may also hinder the transfer of knowledge within industrial clusters, thereby limiting the development of industrial clusters. However, most of the previous studies have focused on economic performance, and little attention has been paid to how knowledge exchanges within the firms in cluster are affected by shocks. Therefore, this study adopted a resilience perspective, examined the evolution of innovation modes and proximity within industrial clusters, and constructed a four-quadrant analytical framework consisting of two types of proximity and two types of innovation modes, respectively. We attempted to examine whether shocks cause the shift of innovation modes and proximity in the four-quadrant analytical framework to fill the aforementioned gap. In order to further explored its connotation and make future policy advice more valuable, this study used the concept of life cycle development of clusters to analyze evolution. We took the Hsinchu Science Park as the research object, and used the global financial crisis in 2008 and the Covid-19 in 2020 as the shocks to compare the change of innovation modes and proximity at different life cycle stage.


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