  • 期刊


An Exploration of the Implementation Status of New York City's Charter Schools and Accountability System




特許學校 課責 家長選擇權


The idea of charter schools was conceptualized in the early 1970s, and the charter school movement was popular in the 1990s. Until 1991, Minnesota State passed the first charter school law. So far, there are 40 states and Washington, DC which can establish charter schools in the U.S. In order to monitor the performance and quality of charter schools, those state governments then developed a accountability system to maintain school performance and the right of parent choice. This article mainly explores the management and operation system and status of New York City's charter schools and its implementation status of the accountability system. This illustrates charter schools's original development, creation, authorizers, enrollment, personnel recruitment, and closure; besides, it also makes a description of the implementing strategies of the accountability system. New York City has well developed its performance-driven accountability system, which helps the authorizers discern schools' strengths and weaknesses. Briefly, the accountability system has the power of change and innovation for public education system, and can check on the education quality for all students.


Charter Schools Accountability Parent Choice


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Ascher, C.,Echazarreta, J.,Jacobowitz, R.,Mcbride, Y.,Troy, T.,Wamba, N.(2003).Charter School Accountability in New York: Findings from a Three-Year Study of Charter School Authorizers Charter School Research Project.,未出版.
Duffy M.,Listhaus A.,Meakem N.,Raza A.,Carson B.(2009).Accountability Framework for NYC Charter Schools Charter, Monitoring, and Progress to Renewal.,未出版.
