  • 期刊


The Analysis of Fulltime Athletic Coaches in Taiwan—A Case Study of the Employed Fulltime Coaches in Local Governments


我國學校專任運動教練政策自2003年制度法制化後,開創專任運動教練以教育人員身份進入校園新里程碑,至2011年正式全面執行體育班學校應聘任規定迄今14年餘,已聘任617名專任運動教練。本研究目的在探討地方政府所屬各級學校近年來聘任專任運動教練人力現況,主要採取質性研究的文件分析法,先從制度的立法發展背景解析專任運動教練政策法制化為基礎,其次,從公共政策制定之政策工具理論,說明政策工具之意涵及關於Howlett 與Ramesh之政策工具類型,進而探討教育部體育署運用該類型政策工具,深入瞭解專任運動教練政策的執行,最後透過文件分析探究地方政府所屬各級學校採「應」或「得」聘任專任運動教練兩種進用方式人力現況,有助於瞭解此政策執行成效,並提供未來有關專任運動教練政策制定、修正及檢視相關配套措施的擬定與落實之參據。


Since 2003, a statutory basis was given to the policy of fulltime athletic coaches, making this program as a milestone because the fulltime coaches are able to employed as "educators". Till 2011, a total of 617 fulltime athletic coaches were employed as "educators" based on the regulation of athletic-class program. The aim of this study was to examine the current status of the fulltime coaches employment in local government. A document analysis was adopted to provide a context where this study takes a closer look at the historical development of fulltime coaches policy in a perspective of legal basis. Further, public policy theory was drawn to provide a sight in terms of how Sport Administration selects and directs policy instrument. Besides, from the viewpoint of policy instrument theory emerging from public policy making, it expounds that the meaning of policy instrument and its category proposed by Howlett and Ramsh. This study further exploits this concept to elaborate what types of policy instrument Sports Administration should deploy to shed light on the execution of full-time athletic coaches policy. Lastly, considering the two different approaches of employing fulltime coaches, this study investigates the consequences to gain the efficacy of fulltime athletic coaches policy. The results can shed the light on the improvement of this policy and offer as instrument for local and central government to devise complementary measures.


楊金昌 (2016)。臺灣學校專任運動教練政策之回顧與展望。中華體育季刊,30,65‒71。doi:10.3966/102473002016033001009
Houlihan, B. (2012). Sport policy convergence: A framework for analysis. European Sport Management Quarterly, 12(2), 111‒135. doi: 10.1080/16184742.2012.669390


