  • 期刊


Intention of Senior High School Home Economics Students to Participate in the National High School Skills Competition: Using Teaching Aid Creation as an Example


本研究採用文獻分析法(literature review)瞭解高級中等學校學生參與全國高級中等學校技藝競賽意念以及相關影響因素,爾後輔以訪談法(interview survey)訪談北部地區某高級中等學校幼兒保育科共2名學生,並蒐集相關資料,作為展望高級中等學校家事類學生參與全國高級中等學校技藝競賽意念之立論依據。依據文獻分析結果發現,臺灣成果以工業類和商業類為其大宗,有關家事類教具製作相關研究呈現鳳毛麟角之貌;而依據訪談結果發現,正選手與抽選選手在面對競賽時的心態各有所異,但均認為必須具備抗壓力、撰寫教具卡與製作教具等專業能力,且需肩負無法正常上課、金手獎名額不足、耗時耗力最終毫無所獲、甄審及保送的學校沒有專業人才可以持續帶領等困境,因此,本研究依據成果提出相關建議,以供主管教育行政機關、學校以及未來研究之參考。


This study conducted literature review to understand Taiwanese senior high school students' intention of participating in the National High School Skills Competition and the influential factors. Subsequently, an interview survey was conducted on two students who studied Early Childhood Education in a senior high school in northern Taiwan; relevant data were also collected, serving as the basis for the arguments regarding the intention of students studying home economics to participate in the National High School Skills Competition. According to the literature analysis, previous studies on the National High School Skills Competition have mostly focused on industry and business, but have rarely explored the creation of teaching aids in home economics. The interview results showed that although the officially enrolled contestants and contestants selected by drawing lots had different mindsets, both groups considered that it is necessary to possess strong abilities of stress tolerance, teaching aid content writing, and teaching aid creation. They all faced difficulties and frustrations of being unable to attend classes regularly, only a few places of Golden Hand Award being available, spending enormous time and effort but winning nothing, and lack of professionals in the schools they will attend to guide them. Accordingly, this study proposed several recommendations for relevant authorities and schools and can serve as reference for future research.


