  • 期刊


A Case Study on Reducing Language Learning Anxiety Through Allowing Students to Teach Foreign Teachers Mandarin Chinese in a Remote School




This study demonstrates how using new teaching techniques in the classroom can reduce anxiety in language learning. The case study involved an experimental class for my Taiwanese student to directly interact with teachers from the United States via video call. (As background knowledge, this was issued from the 2018 Cloud Project which was an exchange program for English teachers in elementary schools situated in remote areas in Taiwan.) Students were allowed to teach their foreign teachers Mandarin Chinese and play game-like environments. I collected and analyzed the interview data, classroom observation and feedback from all the participants about how they feel about the exchange role in the following three different teaching stages (team-teaching online, face-to-face, group activity). The results show that role-reversal technique, mother tongue integration, game-like environments, and a friendly learning environment can increase students' engagement and motivation. For example, I observed students were more confident and active in learning and less fearful of the foreign teachers when using the role-reversal technique. Besides,the foreign teachers also change the belief throug the teaching skill. They would like to learn Chinese and know the Taiwanese culture more and become a teacher in the future.Therefore, these new teaching strategies are highly effective and should be used for a more engaged classroom.


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