  • 期刊


A Case Study on Integrating the Radio Drama Activities into Filial Piety Education of Hong Kong Junior High School Students


孝道文化不但是中華傳統文化的基石,更是我們的立身之本。本研究運用個案研究法,以國中一年級共26位學生為研究對象,探究他們透過「孝親廣播劇活動」培養孝親精神的成效。當中,教師運用兩篇閱讀材料(白話文作品、文言經典篇章)教導學生孝親精神的意涵,之後再透過師生討論、戲劇活動、漫畫創作、故事寫作、編寫劇本、錄製廣播劇的過程,深化學生對孝親精神的理解及省思。本研究收集學生的寫作、繪畫、工作紙、學習日記、廣播劇作品、半結構式訪談文字稿,以及教師省思日誌等質性資料,並輔以自設問卷調查之結果,探究以下問題:1.在「孝親廣播劇活動」中,國中學生在孝親教育的學習歷程及成效為何? 2.在「孝親廣播劇活動」中,國中學生的孝親精神之培養為何?研究結果顯示:一、學生能掌握孝親精神的基本意涵,包括:供養父母、尊敬父母、感恩父母的養育之恩、聽從父母的指導、及時愛惜父母等;二、在創作廣播劇的過程中,學生能連繫自己的生活經驗,並藉此進行深度反思;三、學生能從「孝親廣播劇活動」中培養孝親精神,並嘗試於日常生活之中實踐之。


Filial piety is not only the cornerstone of Chinese traditional culture but also crucial to our moral development. We used the case study method and invited 26 first-year middle school students to participate in this research. It explored the effect of cultivating the spirit of filial piety through radio drama activity. Among them, teachers used two reading materials (the vernacular literature and classical Chinese literature) to teach the students the meaning of filial piety. Then, through teacher-student discussions, drama activities, comic creation, story writing, script-writing, and radio drama recording, students could deepen their understanding of filial piety and reflect on filial piety. This research collected qualitative data such as students' writing, drawing, worksheets, learning diaries, radio drama works, semi-structured interview transcripts, and teachers' reflection diaries, with a self-designed questionnaire to explore the following questions: 1. What were junior high school students' learning processes and effectiveness on filial piety education through the radio drama activities? 2. What nature of the spirit of filial piety did junior high school students cultivate in the radio drama activities? The research results showed that: 1. Students could understand the basic meaning of filial piety, including supporting their parents, respecting their parents, thanking their parents for their nurturing grace, obeying their parents' guidance, and cherishing their parents in time; 2. In creating radio dramas, students could conduct in-depth reflection by connecting with their own life experiences; 3. Students could cultivate the spirit of filial piety from the radio drama activities and try to practice it in their daily life.


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