  • 期刊


User Successive Design: Concept and Design Process




In the wake of consumers' individualism, they look forward to inserting self-consciousness into products to show their uniqueness. Thus, users play not only the roles of adopters but also those of designers. ”User creativity-driven” becomes a new trend after modularization and customization. This study proposes the concept and definition of the ”user successive design (USD)”. The characteristics of the USD products are: (1) reconfigurable components, (2) creativity-friendly interfaces, (3) open rights to design, and (4) tolerance of non-errors. The USD design process include the following steps: (1) understand users' ”creativity” needs, (2) establish the functionality classification, (3) develop primary and secondary components, (4) develop creativity-friendly interfaces, (5) materialize components and interfaces, (6) examine the USD characteristics and creativity potentials, and (7) apply for patents and build prototypes. Then, the feasibility of the USD process was verified via a case study of a storage furniture design project. It was found that the USD products can satisfy users' creativity needs of design experience, extend the uses of products, and increase the products' new values in terms of commercial benefits and emotional identification.


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