  • 期刊


A Study on Game-based Spatial Perception Design of Rubik's Cube


魔術方塊(Rubik's Cube)是眾所周知的益智玩具,在兼具簡單的結構下,以單純操作方式卻能組合出多變的空間排列。復原一個混亂的實體魔術方塊,其過程令人著迷,其解題復原亦可依靠公式完成。以魔術方塊進行探究「空間感知(spatial perception)」之學習,已陸續有相關研究,本研究初步以分析空間能力相關理論為基礎,瞭解實體魔術方塊的操作過程以進行遊戲與介面設計,建構出「魔術方塊空間之悅趣感知」遊戲系統,使用者從遊戲中學習、引導自我挑戰,透過輔助與暗示完成任務,以增進對魔術方塊的空間感知。遊戲系統中發展出四種悅趣學習主題類型與相關輔助功能,並以實驗與問卷調查進行系統整體內容評估與ARCS動機檢測,藉而得知使用者操作系統之情形與學習動機。實驗證實使用者多能接受空間感知的悅趣設計方法、輔助功能與介面設計,並助於提升學習動機。研究成果希望能提供未來相關的悅趣化空間感知之互動媒體設計、操作方法的參考依據,未來研究將進一步以此系統的空間感知悅趣設計成果,進而驗證與提升空間能力成效的關聯性。


Rubik's cube is a well known benefiting intelligence toy. With a simple structure, it is possible for users to work out a variety of arrangements by simple operation.. The procedure of solving a confused entity of Rubik's cube is fascinating. The solution may also rely on formula. The related studies of spatial perception design with Rubik's cube have been made in recent years. This study attempts to investigate the spatial ability theories and to find out the operating process of physical Rubik's cube through document analysis. We first analyzed the structure and operational instruction of Rubik's cube, to develop the game system for Rubik's cube space with game-based perception, and then urged users to self-challenge and achieve the task through assistance and tips, thus enhancing the effectiveness of spatial perception for Rubik's cube.From the research, we developed four kinds of game-based learning themes, and relevant assistant functions. An ARCS questionnaire investigation and systematic assessment and experimental evaluation were conducted to explore how users operate the system and what motivate their learning. The results of experiment demonstrate that the design of game interface and assistant functions can help users achieve the game goals. Game-based spatial perception design of Rubik's cube can enhance learning motivations. We hope that the research results can offer references for interactive media design and operational technique for relevant game-based spatial perception design. The further study will investigate the relevance of game-based spatial perception learning and effects on spatial ability enhancement.


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