  • 期刊


Influences on the Creativity in Museum Exhibition Development


本研究檢視「展覽發展」工作流程與分工,探究影響「展覽發展」創造力的因素。資料來源自實務工作者的看法,故研究方法以質性取向包括文件分析和深度訪談。並根據T. M. Amabile創造力成分模式的架構,從管理學視角之組織、人員、知識、工具、過程、管理六面向探討影響展覽發展的創造力。研究發現由於展覽設計工作重心為知識的符號化過程,因此對知識的理解是展覽設計的前題。而策展人高度投入及對知識的解說有助於設計師理解內容,提升對展覽設計的投入以及精準度。現況是在展示手法設計階段,團隊成員才開始合作進行,然而若從展覽故事線階段就啟動多元專業觀點之激盪,促 進成員從不同角度詮釋知識將提升創造力。造成壓抑團隊創造力的兩個主要因素:一是不同專業觀點的融合需透過小組工作會議不斷的溝通和相互理解,然而現行公立博物館部門間運作方式較不容忍展覽發展過程的曖昧不明。二是由於展覽因內容和設計細節的龐大資訊,審查會的委員往往難以在短時間內瞭解,以至於審委常因欠缺對細節的理解和溝通而對設計團隊提出非建設性的批評。


展覽發展 團隊工作 策展 設計 創造力


Exhibitions are where museums demonstrate their creativity. The process of "exhibition development" is where intensive creative thinking and communication happen. This study tried to explore what influenced the creativity in this process. The research followed the quality research approach, consisting of both literature reviews and deep interviews to collect curators' and designers' perceptions and opinions on exhibition development and creativity. Based on T. M. Amabile's componential model of creativity, personal and organizational creativity were both explored. Because exhibition development focuses on a symbolization of knowledge and information, the designers have to get a priori effective understanding of those knowledge and information in order to 'transform and design' the knowledge. This study discovered that the active involvement and interaction of the curator with his explication in detail of the knowledge helped the designers understand the exhibition content, and enhanced their enthusiasm and commitments on the task. As teamwork brought together different professional considerations and went beyond the one-sided thinking of the curator, it contributed to stimulate creativity. A successful and subtle integration between exhibition content and design could be better done through effective dialogues and mindfully mutual understanding. However, due to the current hierarchical system of public museums, staff from other departments of the museum found it difficult to tolerate the ambiguity in the exhibition development. Furthermore, the inadequate criticism from the reviewers, due to their lack of sufficient understanding of the details of exhibition content and design, resulted in constraining creativity.


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