  • 期刊


The Influence of Relationship between Distinct Hand Tools and Universal Design Scales with Screwdriver


通用設計(Universal Design, UD)隨時代演進與產業轉變之際,UD 量表卻成為通用於各領域之通通可以用的量表,且多屬事後評價,導致UD 以附加形式呈現,難落實於實務。本研究以螺絲起子為例,根據使用者經驗與文獻探討,應用因素分析依產品類別建立適切UD 評估工具,結果獲得七項UD 原則,其中公平性仍為首要核心,而功能性則為手工具必要條件,其次為符合使用者經驗,說明心理層面的重要性,且相較一般性評估,產品設計特徵為評價重點,量表評估項目應隨被評估物差異而不同,而體驗與商業價值則反映社會發展型態,重新檢視UD 通用性與獨特性。並藉數量化一類將使用者評價轉換為設計要素,依使用者偏好重新設計與驗證,顯示通用螺絲起子在UD 各原則評價均有明顯提升。


Universal Design (UD) evolves over time and with changes in industries. UD scales are utilized in different fields as universally universal scale and are generally utilized to post-event evaluations, which results in add-on features in practice. Screwdriver was chosen as an example by its category. According to user experience investigation and literature review, factor analysis was utilized to develop proper UD scale, and results indicated 7 principles which equitableness was still the primary. Functionality was essential for hand tools. Product operation conformed to user experience was the next which showed the importance of psychological concerns. UD evaluation items should be varied from one to another compared with general items. Product characters were critical in hand tools' evaluations. Experience and commercial value turned to be essential features in social development. The user evaluations were converted into design factors by Quantification Theory Type I for verification, and users’ UD evaluations improved significantly.


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