  • 期刊


Complex Space-Time-An Unified Platform to Explain Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Consciousness and Paranormal Phenomena


從1990年代起我們重覆了中國大陸自1979年起兒童手指訓練且念力研究成果,反覆測量了幾十位9到17歲的青少年手指識字的能力,證實他們能用手指觸摸內容含有文字或圖案的折疊紙條,而在腦中看到這些文字或圖案。文字與圖案的出現有時是一個部份接著一個部份依序出現,有時是整個字或圖形會同時出現在大腦內的一個銀幕(第三眼)上,手指識字能力訓練嫻熟以後,接著有少部分兒童可以訓練出念力,用意念折彎鐵絲,我們認為這種手指識字及念力功能的產生是宏觀的心物合一現象。我們又發現用一些特殊與宗教或歷史上神聖人物有關的字如「佛」、「菩薩」、「耶穌」、「孔子」、「老子」、「唵嘛呢叭咪吽」或符號「卍」、太極圈,不認識的藏文、希伯來文所描述的神聖人物等,則這些青少年會在腦中用第三眼看到亮光、發光的人像、廟宇、十字架、暗的人影或聽到聲音,與以往總共超過1000次的實驗完全不同。我們根據以往功能人利用屏幕效應接收信息之經驗,認為除了我們目前所處的四度時空物質世界之外,還有一個「信息場」空間的存在,這個空間充滿了不具物質肉身的高等意識及信息網站,信息網站具有豐富的網頁內容。這種手指識字引發異象的現象已被雲南大學所證實。這種中尺度人體所呈現的特異功能令人困惑。而2012年諾貝爾物理獎頒給的三位物理學家,伯馬特(S. Perlmutter),施密特(B. P. Schmidt)及瑞斯(A. G. Riess),表彰他們在研究銀河超新星亮度時發現宇宙加速膨脹的現象,由此發現佔宇宙能量73%暗能(dark energy),具有斥力的性質。另外從1970年代宇宙學物理學從螺旋銀河的旋轉速度到了銀河邊緣仍不下降的現象發現宇宙存在大量的暗質(dark matter),具有引力的性質,佔宇宙能量的23%。而且常的能量,也就是我們現在已知的科學所能了解的能量只佔4%。表示我們對大尺度真實宇宙的認知還有很大的距離。在微小尺度的量子世界中也發現量子糾纏(quantum entanglement)現象,有聯結的兩量子系統,處於混沌不定疊加的狀態,不論兩者相距多遠,只要其中一個或一部分被儀器測量而確定狀態時,另一個也瞬間被決定,其間訊息的傳遞是遠超過光遠的,與狹義相對論推論光遠是所有速度的上限不符。為了統一解釋這些大中小尺度時空所出現的超常現象,我在這篇論文中提出假設,真實的宇宙其實是一個8度的複數時空,除了目前所知的4度實數時空(陽間)以外還有一個充滿意識及信息的4度虛數時空(信息場或陰間)存在,實數時空與虛數時空雖然關係密切,為同一複數時空的實部及虛部,但是其間存在實虛障礙(陰陽兩隔),僅僅藉由許多不同尺度的特殊時空點交換能量,這些連結點都是漩渦狀的時空結構,也就是三度空間太極圈上的魚眼結構。除非物質小於漩渦尺寸或進入特殊狀態,否則不能隨意穿越。一般物質存在於4度實數時空中,可以由4個座標(x, y, z, t)來定位,描述其運動。但是當物質如基本粒子、光子、物體進入微觀或宏觀量子狀態,必須用複數場來描述其量子狀態時,複數物質波出現,則質波不受漩渦尺寸限制,可以漏過漩渦連結點進入虛數時空,在虛數時空中物質波的渡速U與實數時空中物體的速度υ滿足Uυ = C^2,C為光速,當物體在實數時空的速度υ << C,則物質是在虛數時空的速度U >> C,因此量子狀態物質波可以很快的傳布廣袤的空間,也可以擷取過去及未來的訊息。此時最大的變化是物質的意識成分(虛數部分)被喚醒。我認為進入心物合一狀態(量子狀態)的虛數部分能量形式就是暗質,其能量導致凹向下的時空結構具有引力的特性。暗能一般認為是廣義相對論中的宇宙常數所提供,也就是真空能量所產生的斥力。我認為複數時空有數量巨大的漩渦連結點結構,可以創造出凸向上的時空結構,可能具有斥力的特性。我假設實數時空與虛數時空就是太極圖上所嘗試描述的陽及陰,兩者相生相剋,其能量經過魚眼(漩渦的時空結構)互相溝通,因此實數及虛數時空中都有許多的魚眼存在具有漩渦結構與另一時空接通,能量互相交換。我假設這些數量巨大的漩渦結構的能量就是暗能。奈米尺度的漩渦時空結構就是基本粒子的自旋,只有兩種狀態,向上及向下,一個由陽漩入到陰,一個由陰漩入到陽,這解釋了為何一個空間量子軌道只容許兩個自旋相反的電子,因為可以形成了穩定的三度空間太極時空結構,這也解釋了量子力學裡的鮑立不共容原理的物理成因。因為在空間軌道放入兩個自旋相同的電子會造成不穩定的時空結構。


複數時空 太極 信息場 暗質 暗能 手指識字 念力 心物合一


In the year of 2012 the Nobel physics prize was awarded to three physicists, S. Perlmutter, B. P. chmidt and A. G. Riess, for their contribution to the discovery of accerlerating expansion of universe. This indicates the existence of dark energy which was attributed to the cosmological constant in the general relativity originated from vacuum energy. The dark energy amounts to 73% of the total energy in the universe and has the characteristic of repulsion force. In addition, cosmologists have already discovered the dark matter since 1970's by measuring the rotation speed of the arms of the distant spiral galaxies. The dark matter amounts to 23% of the total energy of the universe. The normal material world only amounts to 4% of the total energy of the universe. This indicates that we are far from the understanding of the large scale real universe. In the nano-scale quantum world the quantum entanglement phenomenon has already been discovered. Two entangled quanta are in a superposition state, no matter how far they are separated, as long as one quantum is measured by an instrument, the entire system collapses to a definite state. The information communication speed between two quanta exceeds the speed of light which violates the special relativity that tight speed is the upper limit of all velocity. Since 1990 we have repeated the research results of Mainland China done from 1979 on the training of children to develop finger reading and psychokinesis capability^(2-6). After repeated test of tens of youngsters aged from 9 to 17 years old, it was proved that by just touching a piece of folded paper with fingers, they could "see" the color and shape of the characters and figures drawn on the paper. The emerging sequence of the characters and figures in their brain appears to be parts by parts or as a whole on a screen emerging in their brain (the third eye). After mastering the finger reading skill part of the children can be trained to develop psychokinesis, they can bend the iron wire by mind. I believe the emergence of finger reading and psychokinesis ability is a macroscopic mind-matter unification phenomenon^(7). Surprisingly, when certain special keywords related to Buddhism, Taoism Confucianism and Christianity such as 「佛」(Buddha), 「菩薩」(Bodhisattva),「唵嘛呢叭咪吽」(Xon Ma Ni Bei May Hon: six word mantra)「耶穌」(Jesus)「孔子」「老子」or symbols as 「卍」, Taichi picture, were tested then these youngsters saw the bright light, bright and smiling human image, temple, monk, bright cross gate, shadow of human or hear the sound of laughing, unknown Tibetan and Hebrew terminology related to sacred persons, etc. These responses are completely different from what we have observed previously in over 1000 tests. According to the experience of those people possessing extraordinary human ability who received information from their inner screen in the brain (the third eye), it is believed that in addition to our four dimensional space-time material world and the known four fundamental force fields there exists an extra space-time "information field" which contains high level consciousness without material body and information websites These discoveries have been confirmed by Yunnan University. These medium sized paranormal human abilities are bewildering. In order to explain these large, medium and nano-scale bewildering phenomena, I propose in this paper that the real universe consists of an 8 dimensional (8D) space-time as shown in Fig. 1, in addition to our well known 4D real space-time (陽Yang), there exists another 4D imaginary space-time (information field or 陰Yin) full of consciousness and information websites. Although the relationship between the real and imaginary space-time is intimate, all belong to the real and imaginary parts of the same complex space-time. However, there exist barriers between the real and imaginary space-time that cannot be overcome at will. They can exchange energy only through enormous special connection points which are the vortex like space-time structure with different size. It is believed that theses vortex structures look like the fish eye structure of 3D Taichi picture as shown in Fig. 2. The white and black halves represent the real and imaginary space-time, respectively. They are connected by enormous fish eye tunnels. The tunnels have vortex structure. Unless the size of the material is much smaller than the aperture size of the vortex tunnels or the material enters into a quantum state, the barrier between the real and imaginary space-time cannot be penetrated. The ordinary materials exist in the real space-time, their position and equation of motion are characterized by 4 coordinates (x,y,z,t). When the material such as fundamental particles, photons and objects enter into microscopic or macroscopic quantum stats which are described by complex quantum field or material wave, then the material wave or quantum field is able to leak through the vortex tunnel and enter into the imaginary space-time. The material wave propagates with a wave velocity U. The product of U and real space-time group velocity υ satisfies Uυ = C2, where C is the light velocity, when the real space-time velocity of the material υ << C, the imaginary space-time velocity of the material wave U >> C. This leads to a quick spread of the material wave or quantum field to a vast space-time and reaching to the past and future. This is the basic physical mechanism responsible for paranormal phenomena. The most important event that happens when the material enters into imaginary space-time is the arousal of the consciousness of the materiaI. Everything has a soul. The imaginary i of complex wavefunction or quantum field brings consciousness into the physical law.When two t strongly correlated quanta are created and fly apart with low group velocity, the complex nature of the system enables them to enter into the imaginary space-time with faster than light speed, once one of the quanta is measured by an instrument in real space, the whole quantum state is collapsed and leak back through the vortex channel to real space-time and showing the quantum entanglement.I propose that the imaginary pan of a material entering into the complex quantum state, pure consciousness and the information websites belongs to dark matter, resulting in concave space-time structure possessing the characteristic of attracting force. The dark energy is believed to originate from vacuum energy described as the cosmological constant in general relativity. I propose that the convex spiral space-time structure (vortex) may possess repulsive force characteristic and is a candidate for dark energy. The real and imaginary space-time are schematically described by the Yin –Yang (陰陽) of the 3D Taichi picture as shown in Fig. 2. They exchange energy through their fish eyes (vortex space-time structure as schematically shown in Fig. 3). There are enormous amount of vortex tunnels in the complex space-time, the energy they possess belong to the dark energy. The nano-sized vortex space-time structure is proposed to be the elementary particle spin, they have only two states: spin-up and spin-down. One spirals from Yang to Yin and the other spirals from Yin to Yang. This explains why any quantum state can only allow two electrons with opposite spin, because this forms a stable 3D Taichi space-time structure. This also explains the physical mechanism of Pauli exclusion principle that two electrons with same spins cannot occupy the same spatial orbitals because it creates an unstable space-time structure. In conclusion, the real universe consists of 8D complex space-time, the existence of 4D imaginary space-time provide an unified platform to explain the nano-scale quantum entanglement, large-scale dark matter, dark energy, and medium-scale paranormal phenomena. The most important consequence is that the imaginary brings the consciousness into the physical law and illustrate the true nature of the mind and consciousness.
