  • 期刊


The Revelation of Pure Land Sutra on Community Development




淨土經 社區發展


Among the Buddhist sects, the Pure Land Sect is the one attracting much more followers than other sects due to its accessibility. Some Buddhist sects, such as Huayan Sect and Tiantai Sect, tend toward the erudite persons, while Zen Sect, featured by independence of words, aims at in sight and enlightenment, apt to those who have deep-rooted wisdom. By comparison, the Pure Land Sect is so amiable and stable that it welcome ordinary people only if they have full faith in Amitabha Buddha. In this paper, I have transformed the concept of pure land into the ideal of community as I found that the Pure Land Sutra (like Amitayus Buddha Sutra and Amitabha Sutra) do have some revelations on the development of community. The reverse side of pure land is dirt land that is a place not fit for human habitat ion. An inferior community (similar to dirt land) destitute of software and hardware is detrimental to the body and mind of its habitants. Only with adequate software and hardware which may refer to the conditions of pure land, a community is good enough for habitants to have a healthy development of their body and mind. Form some point, an "ideal community" has to be realized on earth, so the pure land will never be an inaccessible dream or a vanity idea, or only reachable after death. Combining the integration study of "A Brief History of Everything" and the new enlightening idea of "Evolutionary Enlightenment", the paper has fully demonstrated the modern meaning of Pure Land Sutra in the context of community development.
