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The Description of the Violence, Emotions, Pain, and Female Images in the Biographies of Exemplary Women in Ming shi (Ming shi, Lieh-nu chuan)




This paper starts with the narrative style of the Biographies of Exemplary Women in Ming shi (Ming shi, Lieh-nu chuan), and follows the two clues of biography and gender consciousness to analyze what kind of female images are shaped by the narrative techniques combined with violence, emotion and pain perception in the biography. This paper points out that there are numerous extremely detailed, exaggerated and bloody episodes of violence in the biographies; the emotional responses of women to threats of violence, or the crying and cursing when they themselves inflict violence; the pains that are practically hidden by the biographer. This narrative condenses the women's stories at the end of their lives. The Biographies of Exemplary Women displayed shows readers the victims who are hidden by written words, the actors who control their bodies and lives, and the practitioners of women's moral values; these three images correlate in the biography. The narrative of the text integrates the three faces together, highlighting that these women actively seek death to preserve their dignity and chastity and execute the system of strict morality and ethics. In the Biographies of Exemplary Women in Ming shi, male historians recorded the tortured and mutilated bodies, broken wounds, flowing tears and angry voices, all of which became the carriers of the concept of chastity, telling the life story of virtuous and heroic women to the public. This paper tries to put forward a view: violence may have been the cultural norm of women's biography; while women are also involved in the construction of this norm. In the historical texts produced by male historians, women who act violently are the dialectical subjects that are constructed while also construct the norm of the biography.


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