  • 期刊


The Forming and Development of Taiwan Left-wing Literary Movement during Japanese Occupation


本文的寫作,希望能夠較為完整的分析日據時期台灣左翼文學運動的形成和發展經過。日據時期的左翼文學運動,基本上係在社會主義政治、民眾運動的影響下形成及發展,而此時也正是日本在台強制實施資本主義現代化的過程。1925年前後,殖民資本主義以著獨占的性質,朝單方面犧牲台灣人民利益的方向發展,造成嚴重的民族矛盾和階級矛盾,因而促使初期以資產階級為中心主張啟蒙的民族運動,開始轉換成尋求解放的無產階級民眾運動。這時社會主義左翼文學運動也跟著浮上檯面,左翼文人開始主張描寫以無產大眾所處的現實狀況為主的文藝,認為這才是合乎時代的文藝方向。 本文分成三個階段來分析新文學運動中的左翼文學成分,並仔細探討左翼文學運動的整個經過,同時並思考日據時期左翼文學運動所指向的價值和意義。分析的結果,發現日據時期台灣左翼文學運動的形成和發展過程,是在兼顧國際性社會主義發展和台灣民族解放運動的範疇內進行,而左翼文壇所提出的文學理論,可說具備了正確的歷史認識和現實認識,其意義在於強力要求文學的民眾連帶性。


The paper is written with purpose of comprehensively analyzing the development and formation of leftist literature in Taiwan during the period of Japanese Occupancy Basically the movement of leftist literature during the Japanese Occupancy was developed along with socialistic politics and public movement that implied the modernization of capitalism imposed to Taiwan by Japan. Around 1925, the development of colonial capitalism with monopoly sacrificed unilaterally the interest of Taiwan people that brought adverse national conflicts and hierarchic conflicts, resulting in the national movement enlightened by the bourgeois class changing to pursue the liberalization of proletarian class based public movement, whereby emerging the leftist literary movement. The leftist writers started describing the real life of proletarian people and believed that it was the literature corresponding with the Time. In this paper, the leftist literature in the new literary movement will be analyzed in three phases and described the process of the development in leftist literary movement, where the value and meaning directed by the leftist literary movement during the Japanese Occupancy As a result, it was found that the development of leftist literary movement was undertaken along with the development of international socialism with liberalization of Taiwan people that the literary theory proposed by the leftists encompassed the true knowledge on the history and reality emphasizing with the correlation between the general public and the literature.


