  • 期刊


A Study of Software Piracy through the Lens of Self Sanction and Social Sanction


近年來在網路頻寬與各種興新資訊科技的推波助瀾之下,無形中助長了盜版行為的產生。長久以來我們對於影響盜版行為因素相關的研究,仍然侷限於法律對個人行為的影響、個人在盜版行為能力高低以及盜版資源取得難易程度,經常忽略了個人與生俱來的正向力量。本研究在社會認知理論的基礎下,除了探討社會約束力對個人盜版行為的影響外,更聚焦於自我約束力對盜版行為的影響。因此,在個人約束力的層面,本研究探討個人的道德感對軟體盜版倫理自我效能與軟體盜版行為意圖之影響;在社會約束力的層面,則探討認知關鍵多數對軟體盜版倫理自我效能與軟體盜版行為意圖之影響;最後,從正向經驗對於個人自我效能的影響,探討個人的創作自我效能如何影響其軟體盜版倫理自我效能。 研究結果發現,自我約束力在軟體盜版的議題上扮演重要的角色。從統計分析的結果發現,道德感與軟體盜版倫理自我效能對軟體盜版行為意圖之影響(β值)遠勝於認知關鍵多數。由此可知在社會約束力降低時,自我約束能力將能協助個人拒絕從眾行為。另外,個人的軟體盜版倫理自我效能可以降低個人使用盜版軟體工具或元件的行為意圖。而個人的創作自我效能,必須透過軟體盜版倫理自我能作為中介變數,才能對使用盜版軟體工具或元件的行為意圖產生影響。這意味著透過創作將倫理價值內化,才能讓個人在盜版議題上產生自我約束力。


Today, the problem of piracy is a major concern for governments, academia and software industry as it has become a prevailing phenomenon. While much effort has been devoted to identify the factors that cause software piracy, most studies focus primarily on if social sanctioning mechanisms can be effective in deterring piracy. From the perspective of SCT, this study has integrated the constructs of ”self sanction” and ”creative self-efficacy” in an attempt to develop understanding of Information System Personnel's intention of software piracy. The results showed that creative self-efficacy, moral obligation and critical mass exert significant influence on ethical self-efficacy concerning software piracy. In turn, ethical self-efficacy concerning software piracy, moral obligation and critical mass have significant impact on software piracy intention. These findings have two implications: (1) in the environment that is lack of social sanction, self sanction would play a critical role of sanctioning individuals from the conformity of software piracy and (2) self sanction against software piracy would incubate as individuals are engaged in creativity work.


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