  • 期刊


A Study of the Impact of Consumer Feedback Mechanism for Online Reviews: The Role of Online Review Helpfulness and Online Review Visibility




Online reviews have become increasingly important for consumer shopping. However, little research has focused on the phenomenon of consumer feedback mechanisms for online reviews. Using the theoretical lens of consumer empowerment, this study examines the impact of a consumer feedback mechanism for online reviews on consumer purchase behavior. This study was conducted by an experimental method. The results of this study found that the consumer feedback mechanism for online reviews has an impact on purchase behavior. Online review helpfulness has an impact on decision quality regardless of the types of online review visibility. Also, providing high-level visibility for online review helpfulness could lessen the burden of the consumer buying process. The consumer feedback mechanism is important to improve decision quality and lessen information overload when the level of product involvement is high. This study found that providing the online review feedback mechanism can reduce the feeling of annoyance during consumer shopping. The study will definitely serve as a basis for the future growth of the consumer feedback mechanism for online reviews.


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