  • 學位論文

複合式餐廳服務品質、知覺價值、顧客滿意 與行為意向關係之研究

Effects of Service Quality, Perceived Value and Customer Satisfaction on Consumer Behavioral Intentions in Combinative Restaurants

指導教授 : 謝介仁
共同指導教授 : 何嘉惠


過去幾年學者對消費者行為意向的研究,較著重於服務品質、顧客滿意度對消費者行為意向之影響,比較缺乏探討知覺犧牲與知覺價值之影響。本研究試圖將上述各項構念皆納入考量並建立影響消費者行為意向之模型,俾更能解釋消費者的行為意向。 為驗證所建構之消費者行為意向模式在複合式餐飲業的適配性,本研究採用線性結構方程模式作為分析工具,將進行驗證性因素分析與路徑分析。研究對象將以台南縣市的複合式餐飲業為限,而調查方式則於各餐廳隨機發放問卷,由消費者填寫後當場回收。 一般學者認為服務價值為消費者付出與獲得之比較結果,在消費者接受服務的過程中,消費者所付出的是費用與時間,即所謂的知覺犧牲,而獲得的是公司所提供之良好服務品質,且消費者所真正企盼的是高品質與低付出的服務,因此本文中將驗證以下的假設: H1:消費者付出的知覺犧牲對知覺價值有負向的直接影響關係。 H2:消費者感受到的服務品質對知覺價值有正向的直接影響關係。 由於公司若能提供符合消費者期望及高價值之服務,則消費者將對整體之服務越滿意,因此本研究提出以下兩點研究假設: H3:消費者感受到的服務品質對顧客滿意度有正向的直接影響關係。 H4:消費者感受到的知覺價值對顧客滿意度有正向的直接影響關係。 倘若消費者所獲得的服務是高品質、高價值與令人滿意的,則越容易使消費者產生再消費或口碑傳遞等之正面的行為意向,因此本研究得到以下三點研究假設: H5:消費者感受的服務品質對消費者行為意向有正向的直接影響關係。 H6:消費者感受的服務價值對消費者行為意向有正向的直接影響關係。 H7:消費者的顧客滿意度會對消費者行為意向有正向的直接影響關係。


The past research only stressed the effects of service quality and customer satisfaction on consumer behavioral intentions, while lacking the understanding of the effects of service sacrifice and service value. This study attempts to take all the above-mentioned constructs in consideration and hopes to explain consumer behavioral intentions more. To test the adaptability of the construction model to the service quality on combinative restaurants, this study adopted the analytical tool of linear structural relations(LISREL)and did the confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis. The research subjects include the combinative restaurants in Tainan County and City. As for the survey, this study handed out the questionnaires in random at the combinative restaurants and retrieved the completed questionnaires. Based on the purpose of this research, ten hypotheses would be the following: H1. The customer‘s perceived sacrifice has a negative effect on perceived value. H2. The service quality has a positive effect on perceived value. H3. The service quality has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. H4. The service quality has a positive effect on consumer behavioral intentions. H5. The perceived value has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. H6. The perceived value has a positive effect on consumer behavioral intentions. H7. The customer satisfaction has a positive effect on consumer behavioral intentions.


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