  • 期刊


Female Sexual Function of 940 Women in 4 Outpatient Gynecological Clinics in Taiwan


本研究之目的在調台灣地區婦產科門診中的婦女性功能的狀況。研究以北台灣與中台灣地區的四家區域級以上醫院,婦產科門診中無急性疾病、嚴重慢性疾病和重大手術之患者為收案對象,共獲取九百十四份有效問卷。所採用之工具為Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI)翻譯為中文「女性性功能指標量表」,19個題項共分為「性慾望」、「性興奮」、「陰道潤濕」、「高潮」、「滿意度」、「疼痛」六個次量表。所有次量表的內在於度均介於0.81和0.92之間,以台灣女性觀點而言具有極佳的信度。因素分析結果明顯區分成性慾望及興奮、性高潮與疼痛、性滿意度三個向度。研究結果發現,各次量表的得分評值都在中等以上,顯示台灣女性性功能現況還差強人意。樣本中社會人口因素的年齡及教育度和三個因素中的性慾望與興奮、性滿意度呈現正相關,停經、手術經驗、賀爾蒙治療與性慾望及興奮、性高潮與疼痛呈現負相關。由以上結果看來,本研究所用量表可作為日後本土「女性性功能指標」的標準問卷。


The purpose of this study was to do an epidemiological survey of the female sexual function in the gynecological clinics in Taiwan. Participants were recruited from the patients of the four gynecological clinics in Taipei and Taichung city. They were requested to respond to a questionnaire translated from the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). The questionnaire consisted of 19 items concerning the female sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, coital pain, vaginal lubrication and general satisfaction. A total sample of 940 women with effective questionnaire were available for evaluation. In order to check up the validity and reliability for our version of questionnaire, the internal consistency by Cronbach’s alpha statistics of all the subscales was found between 0.81 and 0.92. The results of factor analysis showed a 3-factor solution distributed as ’’ Sexual desire and arousal’’, ‘‘ coital pain and sexual orgasm’’ and ‘‘sexual satisfaction’’. All of the subscales evaluated by ‘‘5 point likert scale’’ is above average ( >2.5), which revealed that the sexual function of Taiwanese women was fair. The demographic factors such as age and educational level were positively correlated with sexual desire, arousal and sexual satisfaction whereas menopause, surgical experience, and hormone treatment were negatively correlated with sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, and pain. Accordingly, this study indicated that our Chinese version of FSFI is reliable for the further investigation of female sexual function in Taiwan.


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