  • 期刊

A Balanced Approach to English Reading and Writing Instruction-A Case Study





This paper presents a case study of literacy education at an elementary school in. L.A., U.S.A. The researcher used participant observation and interviews to collect data and presented a descriptive account of the reading and writing instruction at the elementary school. In this study, three classes, including one first-grade class, one fourth-grade class, and one ESL class, were observed focusing on their classroom activities oriented toward to developing students' reading and writing abilities. Various activities such as guided reading, individualized reading, thematic reading and writing, story map, scaffolding practice, visiting library, response to literature, writing workshop: autobiography writing, grammar instruction, etc., were reported. As for interviews, there were three teachers, the principal, and one professor specializing on literacy education and teacher education interviewed and reported about their beliefs and practices. In a word, this is a qualitative case study reporting the real instructing activities in classes as well as their underlying theories and viewpoints of practitioners, the administrator, and one university professor. It is clear that the teachers in this study used ”a balanced approach” to teaching reading and writing, i.e., reading instruction involving both word recognition and identification and comprehension, and writing instruction involving learning to express meaningful ideas as well as using conventional spelling, grammar, and punctuation to express those ideas (Tompkins, 2003:15).


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