  • 期刊


Reasons for Selection and Satifaction of Eye Care Services at Three Taipei Medical Centers



隨著時代的進步,醫學中心、區域醫院和地區醫院等如雨後春筍般的出現,及全民健康保險的實施,大幅提高了民眾就醫的選擇性,對於醫療品質及服務品質之要求亦日益提高。病人就醫的滿意度遂成為醫院改善醫療品質、吸引病患來源的重要指標之一。 本研究針對台北市三家醫學中心眼科門診病人就醫選擇原因與滿意度作一調查。研究對象係以18歲以上有能力自我決定就醫行為之病人為主,方法采自擬之結構式問卷,內容包括問診病人基本資料、就醫選擇原因及滿意程度等三部分,隨機抽樣184位就診民眾。就病人基本資料方面,研究結果發現眼科門診病人年齡以18-30歲者居多;教育程度大多數為大專程度;其家庭月收入大多在四萬至八萬間;交通工具以公車居多;交通時間大多數花30分鐘以上。就醫選擇原因方面,眼科門診病人會選擇醫學中心的原因多數是因為醫師的醫術好,其次是醫院聲譽好、離家近交通方便及親朋好友介紹等因素。就滿意程度方面,眼科門診病人對護理人員、眼科醫師之服務態度表示非常滿意及滿意者居多;而令人最不滿意的是「等待看病時間」以及「等掛號排隊時間」。 本研究結果可做為醫學中心眼科部門訂定行銷策略及提昇醫療品質之參考參考。


眼科門診 就醫選擇 滿意度


Care technology improvement, healthcare organization growth, and universal health insurance coverage have greatly facilitated patients' choices in care and demands in quality of care. Patient satisfaction plays a pivotal role in improving quality of care and marketing hospital services. The research literatures and empirical studies revealed that patient satisfaction was influenced by factors such as age, educational attainment, family income, residence, usual source for care, distance to the healthcare facility, convenience, physician reputation, attitudes of providers, hospital facilities, waiting service time, the type of hospital, charge fee, time taken and rules followed for making an appointment and internal and external environments of a hospital. This study, based on a structured survey conducted in three medical centers, reported on patients' preference and satisfaction with ambulatory care. The study sample consisted 184 patients who were 18 years of age or older. The survey contained three components: 1) basic demographic and social characteristics of patients, 2) reasons for selecting a particular medical center for care, and 3) satisfaction with care. The demographic profiles of ambulatory care patients for eye care showed that the majority of patients were in the age between 18 and 30, had attained college education, earned an average of NT$40,000 to 80,000 per month, used bus as a means of transportation, and had a travel distance from home to the medical center more than 30 minutes. The major reasons for selecting a medical center for eye care were related to physicians' clinical skills, hospital reputation, travel distance, and recommendations from of relatives or friends. Higher level of patient satisfaction with eye care was directly associated with the adequacy of services provided by nursing staff and physicians, and the attitudes oftime for scheduling an appointment, providers. Patient's Dissatisfaction with eye care was reported on waiting time for care and waiting


Eye care selection satisfaction


林汝勳(2009)。新醫院的成立對當地民眾就醫行為之影響 ─以北區某區域教學醫院為例〔碩士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0007-2407200911455900
